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- Phoebe's point of view -

It was around three-thirty when Henry and I arrived back from school.

"Hey Grandma." Henry said after noticing Mary Margaret was sat on the sofa.

"Hello Henry." Mary Margaret beamed at Henry.

"I'll make some drinks." Emma got up, probably to avoid us. As she walked into the kitchen she opened her mouth and looked up so that she could wipe under her eyes. Her face was almost a carbon copy of my mascara face.

Henry and Mary Margaret started discussing something. Star Wars, maybe. I had never been into sci-fi, so had no idea what they were talking about. I was more likely to be seen watching a rom-com than anything with aliens and complicated, made up words. Completely lost and isolated from the conversation, I went to join Emma in the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I leant on the side of a counter and twirled a lock of my brown hair around my fingers.

"I'm fine." Emma sighed as she poured boiled water into four polka dotted mugs.

"Liar." I sang.

"Why is it so hard to lie to you?" Emma turned to face me. "The truth is that I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm in my late thirties and my life is going downhill. There was a time, not so long ago, when I thought I knew exactly how my life was going to end up. I was happy."

There was a short pause.

"What exactly happened to Phoebe?" I lowered me voice. "To me?"

Emma let out a sigh of relief, which told me she knew what I knew.

"You used the dreamcatcher." Emma asked.

I nodded, although she already knew the answer. Why else would she ask me such a specific question?

"Okay. Come upstairs with me and I'll tell you." Emma left the mugs of hot cocoa on the counter and guided me upstairs. We sat on the side of her bed.

"There have been a few different curses in Storybrooke over the years. The last curse somehow made everybody freeze for about fifteen years. We were told that people not born in the magic forest, the realm most people are from, would have to leave. That should have included Henry and Neal, but for some reason it didn't. Zelena and I knew we had to do what was best for our daughters, so we took you to the nearest city to find you and Robin somewhere safe. While we were searching for somewhere everything stopped. It was sort of like I was put under anestesia. Everything faded away and the next I knew it was 15 years later." Emma explained thoroughly. "I didn't leave the house for weeks and I hardly talked to anyone. When I did talk, I snapped. Killian was the same. We both blamed outselves, even though we weren't powerful enough to stop the curse. It was then when we decided separating would be best. A couple of months later, I saw a teenage at the beach who needed my help."

I took a moment to take it all in. I understood everything. I didn't have any questions, but at the same time I had a million questions.

"So you're my mom." I asked. I had suspected Emma was my birth mother for a little while now, but it has just hit me.

"I think so, kid." Emma's voice broke and she wrapped her arm around me and I rested my head on her shoulder.

So much had happened over the last couple of weeks. If I hadn't decided to skip school and get on a bus to Storybrooke I would just be doing my same, boring, draining routine. In less than a fortnight I had managed to find more people who cares than I had ever before. Even the small things. People were generally friendlier and cared about each other here. People who didn't even know your name would run to help if you were in danger. Back in the city, people would just walk past. Maybe glance, but never a second glance.

"I'm going to go downstairs. If you're not ready to come down, that's fine." Emma said.

"I'll come." I smiled.

Emma held out her hand to pull me up from the bed. I reached out and held my Mom's hand.

"I know." I announced when I got downstairs. I don't think I needed to go into the details of what I knew.

Mary Margaret and Henry both have Emma the same look. A look to say "does she know what we think we know?" And Emma nodded. An incredible pearly white smile appeared on Mary Margaret's face. Henry was smiling, too, but his was more of a 'I don't know why you're so surprised' smile. He had believed since the very beginning.

"Do you know who I am to your?" Mary Margaret asked, hesitantly.

"Grandma?" I answered.

The short haired lady who looked incredible going for a grandmother squeezed and ran for a hug. Even if I had wanted to avoid her, I couldnt. It was a good job I had quickly learnt to love hugs from my family.

Emma couldn't be bothered to cook, so she called and ordered some pizza. Her and Henry shared a ham and pineapple pizza between them. Mary Margaret and I both found a common love of mushrooms, so ordered a fungi pizza to share.

"It's a good job I knew about magic before light started shining from my hands." We had been talking for ages. I expected a laugh or a smile from what I said, but instead Emma and Mary Margaret exchanged concerned glances.

"You have magic?" Henry asked.

"I presume so. You're the one who told me that there was magic, so you should already know that." I andered.

"Phoebe, not everyone has magic. Magic can be dangerous if you don't know how to use it." Mary Margaret sounded worried.

"I'll try not to use it again, then." I shrugged and took another slice of pizza from the cardboard box.

"It's not the simple. I'll text Regina and ask if she can see you tomorrow." Emma sounded worried, too.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu