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-Back to Phoebe's point of view-

"So you're sure you're better?" I double checked with Emma.

It had been a few days since Emma had felt ill and she assured me she was absolutely fine, but I knew she could easily be twisting the truth. She didn't want to worry me, which I understood, but something I loved about Emma was that she treated me as her equal.

"I promise I'm fine." Emma smiled. "I need to pick up some things from the shops. Are you coming?" Emma stood up from the sofa we were both slouched in. Emma was sat at the end closest to the door.

"Could I get some things?" I askedz

"Sure. What do you need, kid?" Emma asked, gabbing a piece of scrap paper to scribble out a shopping list.

"Some girly things." I hinted.

Emma looked confused for a second, but her face changed when it clicked. "I forgot I wasn't the only girl around here anymore. I'm used to shopping for boys, so if there's anything you ever need you can just say, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"Wow, what a great mom I am." Emma said sarcastically.

"You're the best mom I've ever had." I smiled.

"You're the best daughter I've had." Emma returned the smile. "All jokes aside, I couldn't wish for a better daughter. It breaks my heart that I missed fourteen years of your life. You were the cutest little baby on the planet, and then in the bat of and eye you're this beautiful, funny, amazing young woman."

"I love you, Emma." I said for the first time. I had instantly felt connected to Emma. Before she even knew she was my mom she cared for my how I imagine a mother would care for a daughter. It didn't even sound weird saying that I loved Emma out loud for the first time. It felt right to love my family.

"I look like Mary Margaret, for god's sake." Emma laughed at herself as happy tears fell down her cheeks. "I love you too, Pheebs."

I stood up and went to give Emma a hug. I couldn't imagine ever getting bored of hugs. I was about an inch and a half smaller than Emma, so she was the perfect height to rest the top of her head on mine. Who needed salt spray when you had Emma Swan's tears in your hair?

"Let's go to the store before I end up being Mary Margaret 2.0." Emma said once she had unwrapped her arms from around me.

"Emotional Emma has a nice ring to it." I mocked her.

"Oh, shut up." Emma laughed, grabbing her car keys. "HENRY?" She shouted up the stairs before leaving.

"YEAH." Henry yelled back. We heard the creaking of floorboards upstairs before Henry appeared at the top of the stairs.

"We're just going to the shops. We won't be long." Emma told him.

"Okay." He nodded before going back to whatever he had been doing before the interruption.

Emma drove us into the centre of the town and parked her car at the side of an empty street. It was about midday, but only a couple of people roamed the streets.

We entered a little pharmacy and Emma grabbed a basket. "You go and get what you need and then we'll meet back here." Emma told me the plan.

"Okay." I nodded before going and getting things I needed. I picked up a packet of hair bands that were misplaced, as I was down to my very last one. Having everything I needed, I made my way back to Emma.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя