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"So we've covered controlling your magic, different types of magic, and started with what you can use magic for." Regina checked off her mental checklist out loud while pouring us both a glass of apple juice. It had been about four hours since I arrived, and it was now around 4pm. Henry would have finished school by now. I think the plan was that Henry was going to Violet's house and then coming to Regina's for dinner.

"What if I can't control my magic?" I wasn't confident with my new ability.

"You will control it. Your mom was a complete wreck when she started, but you just have to practise." Regina reassured me. "And hopefully you didn't get the crazy gene from your mother...or your father."

"So you're saying my parents are crazy?" I knew Regina and Emma were close friends, so she wouldn't have meant it in a mean way.

"Your dad's an ex-pirate with a really long history and your mom had as many issues as vogue before she even came here. I'm no therapist, but Emma has so many little problems and issues that just keep growing." Regina walked to the table with a class of apple juice in each hand. "I shouldn't be telling you this."

"I think it's funny." I admitted.

"We are a funny bunch." Regina nodded in agreement.

After finishing our apple juice we got back to work. It was like being at school, only a lot more interesting and exciting than algebra could ever be. Regina explained the ins and outs of basic magic, and I was lost there. I had no idea how I would come to learn the more complicated parts.

It was 5 o'clock when I heard the sound of a key twisting in the lock.

"What's for dinner." Henry called. He clearly had his priorities right.

"Hello Henry. Yes, my day was good, how about you?" Regina said to Henry, her voice dripping with sarcasm. The women in this town all seemed to be strong and sarcastic, which I loved. "And we're having lasagne.

"I'm sorry, mom, but I'm starving." Henry apologised.

Regina rolled her eyes before getting up and walking to the kitchen area. She has already prepared some of the ingredients for dinner, but still needed to finish preparing and cooking the lasagne.

"I like your lipstick." I said quietly to Henry.

"What?" Henry squinted and looked very confused, almost like I was speaking another language.

"Somebody left a pink kiss mark on your cheek. I'm guessing Violet." I didn't make eye contact with Henry, because I knew I'd laugh. It was so easy to annoy him.

Henry aggressively rubbed at his cheek. He stopped every few seconds to ask me if the mark had gone. It had gone by the third time he asked, but I didn't tell him that. I let him continue to rub his face until his cheek was bright red and he looked as ridiculous as possible.

"Hey, look what I can do." I flicked my wrist and the White magic appeared. I had learnt how to make it non-destructive, so it disintegrated as quickley as it appeared.

"Fancy." Henry nodded.

"Do I look like Elsa yet?" I asked.

"I met Elsa one time, and no. You don't look like Elsa?" Henry said casually.

"You met Elsa?" I asked I'm disbelief.

"Calm down. Your grandmother is Snow White and The Evil Queen is cooking you lasagna as we speak." Henry lowered his voice when he said 'The Evil Queen' to make sure Regina had no chance of hearing him. It must be upsetting for her to hear that said about herself after she had come so far. Her Raven hair was one of the only things that resembled The Evil Queen from the stories I've read and the movie I watched.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now