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I hadn't been able to get to sleep the night before, which lead to me sleeping through my noisy alarm.

"Okay, so Regina told us to arrive at hers around midday. You do know who Regina is, right?" Emma barged in and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight pour in and blind me.

"What time is it?" I was steal tired.

"It's half past ten. Henry went to school, but the school understands that you're not going in today." Emma told me. The school in Storybrooke seemed to be very laid back. Maybe it was just because Emma seemed to be famous in this little town. It would be like telling Beyoncé she couldn't take Blue Ivy out of school for the day.

"Yeah, I know who Regina is. I've never actually met her, though." I answered. "Will we see Zelena?"

"I'm not sure, maybe. Zelena lives with Regina, so she'll probably be around somewhere. Why do you ask?" Emma seemed curious.

"No reason." I dismissed Emma. "So, Regina's going to teach me how to use magic?"

"That's the plan. When I first found out about my magic I couldn't control it and I ended up putting the people I cared about in danger. Regina has dark magic and ours is light magic, but it has the same rules. Regina knows what she's doing." Emma explained.

"This is still crazy to me." I laughed lightly.

"It's still crazy for me, and I probably should be used to it by now. It's okay to be confused." Emma reassured me.

"I don't think we'll ever get used to the idea of magic." I said.

"I think you're right, kid." Emma nodded. "I'm going to go downstairs and you can get ready, okay?"

"Okay." I replied. We had a 'the fault in our stars' for a moment, only we weren't teenage lovebirds fighting cancer and using fancy words in every sentence.

I pulled on my dark green skinny jeans, put on a black top, and wriggled into my converse. I applied my everyday makeup before sorting out the birds nest that was my hair. I brushed my dark brown waves and did two long braids going down the back of my head. I unplugged my phone and went downstairs.

I ate and chatted with Emma. Before we knew it, it was time to go. We left the house at 11:40, giving us at least twenty minutes to walk to Regina's.

We had to walk through the Main Streets to reach Regina's house. News apparently travels fast here, and emma and I recived a few glad looks from people I didn't know existed.

"We're here." Emma said. We were stood outside if a huge, beautiful home. It looked very posh, yet modern.

Once we reached the front door, Emma pressed the doorbell. Then, we waited.

"Hello." Regina said happily as the door swung open. She saw me and smiled. "You've grown!."

"I thought I probably had." I smiled back before being pulled into a tight hug from the stranger I knew so much about. I had only known Regina for about 10 seconds, but she already seemed so kind and caring. I don't see how she could have been the evil queen in Henry's book.

After my hug I ran my fingers through me hair and followed Emma into the house.

"I would love to sit and catch up, but I think the most important issue here is your uncontrolled magic." Regina's shiny black heels tapped against the hard floor as she directed us into her large kitchen.

"Should I stay?" Emma asked, unsure.

"You can if you want." Regina nodded.

"I think I'll slip out and talk to my dad. Mary Margaret has probably not stopped talking, but I want to tell him about everything." Emma gave me a quick side hug before exiting. I was alone so the Regina.

"So, the rules of magic..." Regina knew so much. When you think of magic, you either think of a sparkley pink tooth fairy the size of a teaspoon, if you picture a green witch with a chunky spell book and a steaming cauldron. Regina, however, was none of those things. She was a smart, put together woman with glossy hair and a brain with more storage than NASA's database. She explained the basics of magic and answered any questions I had without being unsure. I'm positive she could have gone into great detail if she needed to.

"I don't think I'll be able to remember all that." I laughed uneasily.

"It'll take time, but soon it'll be second nature." Regina assured me. "Shall we practise?"

I nodded.

"Flick your wrist and you should be able to feel the magic." Regina demonstrated by twisting her hand. As she did, a small ball of fire appeared. It was unexpected, so I was scared for a moment. Regina blew lightly and the fireball completely disappeared.

"Is this right?" I tried to copy my mentor.

"Did you feel anything? Try again." Regina encouraged me.

I flicked my wrist for the second time and the same white light at last time appeared. The lights shot up towards the ceiling, but faded before it could hit anything.

"You're getting the hang of it." Regina congratulated me.

"What next?" I asked, eager to learn.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now