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The last few chapters have been a lot about Emma, and I hope that's okay. I'll probably be switching back to Phoebe soon. Thank you so much for voting and commenting on my story. I love knowing that people actually like my bad writing.

- Emma's point of view -

I dialled Regina's number. I had it saved, but I knew her number by heart and it was easier to type it in manually than search through the masses of Storybrooke residents I had in my contact lists. Being 'The Saviour', as well as sherif and daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming meant I knew quite a lot of people.

Regina picked up the phone within seconds, hardly letting it ring.

"Hello Emma." I heard Regina's voice from the other side of the line.

"Hey." I replied.

"Henry, Phoebe, and Robin are at school and I'm pretty sure they're going back to yours afterwards, if that's what you're calling about." Regina informed me. We both knew that wasn't why I rang, but I'm glad she no longer jumped to so many conclusions.

"That wasn't exactly what I called to talk about-" I began, not knowing what to say or ask. I wanted someone else to take over and do the talking in my place.

"I've known for three days now. Mary Margaret came over the other day, had a mini panic attack, and blurted out everything. She couldn't keep it to herself for any longer, which is understandable. Unless there's something else your mother is hiding, I know everything." Regina told me. Without seeing any of my facial expressions, she knew exactly what I wanted to hear. She knew me better than most people. "I wouldn't want to tell Mary Margaret's story for her, but I can answer any questions before you talk to her."

"Thanks." I sighed. I had to be thankful that my mom opened up to Regina instead of my dad. I knew for a fact that David would try and sugar coat everything and treat me like a fragile china doll. "Did anyone force her to do it or..."

"She did it with her own free will, but she didn't have any other options." Regina answered. I couldn't make sense of what she was saying, but I figured it would make sense once I'd heard the whole story.

"I think I'll go and talk to Mary Margaret. I'm going to have to sometime, and I'd rather know everything before I tell my kids." I said.

"I'll talk to you later." Regina replied.

"Wait!" I snapped, remembering I had one last question. "How exactly does a person enact a dark curse? I knew, but so many spells and magic related things are crammed into my brain."

"Obviously, you need to have at least a little darkness in you and you have to have dabbled with magic of some sort," Regina began to explain to me. "One of the main ingredients is the heart of the thing you love most."

I was officially confused out of my mind once Regina mentioned the heart part. I knew this wasn't the first dark curse my mother had enacted, but surely her and David couldn't live with a quarter of a heart each. That's something not even Grey's Anatomy would find a solution for.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now