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Emma's Point Of View

"We're home!" I called into the house once I'd unlocked the front door. It was good to be back after spending what felt like forever in a car with a pair of giggly teenagers. There wasn't a quiet moment with Phoebe and Ellie catching up in the back of my yellow bug.

"Henry, they're home!" Killian came running with his arms up. His face resembled the face of a seven-year-old who was taking a surprise trip to Disney land instead of the dentist. I couldn't help but laugh at his cheesy grin. It felt good to be missed, which was a perk of not being the isolated hermit I used to be.

Next I knew, Henry we sprinting down the stairs, his facial expressions similar to his step-father's.

"You both look like idiot." I mocked, rolling my eyes and dropping my bag by the wall.

"We love you too, swan." Killian returned, still smiling.

A few moments later Ellie and Phoebe followed me into the house. Ellie looked slightly nervous like she had earlier in the day, but Phoebe was still talking. I'd never seen her talk so much.

"...Robin?" Killian asked, introducing himself the the red-haired teenager.

"Or Ellie," Ellie added.

"Ellie it is then." Killian smiled, looking accomplished. He then held out his remaining hand for Ellie to shake.

"You look like Captain Hook with your other hand like that," Ellie joked as she glanced at the metal hook hanging at Killian's left side.

The four of us were silent for a moment, speechless. What could we say in reply to that. Emma gave us all a patronising glare, encouraging us to laugh, so we did. It was a joke, after all.  Luckily for us, Ellie didn't seem to notice our silent panicking.

It was 10pm and the three of us girls were drained from a long car ride.

"Killian, did you manage to cook your favourite females any dinner?" I asked hopefully, my arms wrapped around his neck. Henry had been a gentleman and carried Ellie's bag upstairs with her. She insisted it was all she needed when she left, but from the weight I guessed it had most of her important belongings in.

"Well, Henry and I made cookies." Killian offered.

"How many?" I asked.

"The whole bloody kitchen is full of them. We made extra in case some burnt or we are the dough, and ended up cooking loads." Killian explained, over exaggerating to make his story sound more exciting. I was sure he over exaggerated his stories about his live on the seven seas as well.

"So if I died, you and Henry would end up morbidly obese?" I joked, although it was probably true.

"Sounds about right." Killian smirked.

"This isn't a high school prom, you don't need to dance with your arms around his neck." Henry interrupted with Phoebe and Ellie walking down the stairs behind him. I couldn't help but smile at Henry's sarcasm. With the exception of my parents, every adult in his life was as sarcastic as humanly possible. Was it an enchanted forest thing? Maybe. We'll never know.

"Alright, kid. We get it." I pulled away from Killian before walking into the kitchen. Everyone else seemed to follow me like sheep.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя