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"Come on, kid. It's time to go." Emma said. She had finished talking to Mary Margaret just as I finished eating my meal.

"Should I run and get my things from the laundry room?" I asked Emma.

"I completely forgot about that. I'll help you." Emma let out a small laugh before following me to the room.

My clothes were completely dry, but by rucksack was still damp. I checked inside my purse to check if my money had been destroyed by the waves earlier in the day. As I pulled the notes out, a couple of dollars ripped. To avoid all of my savings being ruined, I put them back into my purse and decided to wait until they were completely dry. I picked up my rucksack by the arms and carried it like a handbag so that my back wouldn't get wet. Emma stuffed my dry clothes into her bag before we both left the building. Emma unlocked the yellow bug's door and I got in for the second time today.

"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay with you." I said, truly meaning every single word. I was so grateful.

"It's honestly no problem. Someone offered me the same when I first moved to town, and I would be a sick human being if I let a yeenaher sleep on the streets." She smiled at me, but still kept her eyes on the road. I noticed a little rust on the car's exterior and it didn't drive very fast, so I was guessing it was quite an old car.

As we drove down the straight roads, Emma told me a little bit about herself. She confirmed my theory about her and Mary Margaret being sisters. She also told me about her son. I found out that she had her son at a young age and he was adopted by a lady called Regina, and that was why her house was empty tonight.

"I'm just going to stop and pick up some groceries, I'll just be a few minutes." Emma said as the yellow car was brought to a halt. She then dashed into the shop, locking the car door behind her. It was almost like she was protecting me.

While Emma was in the shop I gazed out of the passenger seat's window at the sky. The sun was showing signs that it was beginning to set. There were now a few lilac and pink streaks across the blue sky. Luckily my iPhone had survived the sea incident, so I pulled it out of my phone to take a picture of the sunset. I was one of those people that was constantly running out of memory due to the abundance of unnecessary photos on their camera roll.

I was so focused on taking the perfect photo that I didn't notice Emma's return until I heart the car door opening. I could see a loaf of bread and some orange juice poking up from the top of the brown paper bag.

Emma saw me trying to look deeper into the bag. "There's also a toothbrush, a hairbrush, and some deodorant."

The puzzled look on my face spoke for itself.

"I saw that you didn't break quite a few essentials when I was helping you dry your things. It's a good job I found you when I did, because you're a very unprepared runaway. Emma explained. She gave me a big sarcastic smile before turning the key and starting the car again.

The car stopped outside a medium size home that was a blue-grey colour. One section of the house had a little turret that reminded me of a Princess's castle. The trees surrounding the building added to the family feel. I didn't need to cross my fingers and hope that Emma Swan wasn't a creepy mass murderer. The house could have been a sneaky set up in order to abduct me, but I doubted it. It felt weird feeling like I could trust someone I had met that day, as before this it would take me years to start trusting another person.

I walked with Emma through the gate and up the little steps. I stood to the right as she unlocked the house's front door, then followed her inside.

"I'll show you where you can sleep and you can help me collect every spare blanket and cushion in the house to build a makeshift bed for you." Emma smiled and jogged up the stairs. I followed her up. I felt like a sheep following Emma around everywhere, but I cousins go wandering around her house alone.

"I'm sure I'll be fine with just a yoga mat and a sleeping bag." I told Emma as she pulled an abundance of different coloured blankets, sheets, mats, and pillows out of a cupboard.

"I just want you to be comfortable. I can't have my guests being kept awake by a sad excuse of a bed." Emma argued. I sighed and thanked her again, letting her win. Once she had everything she wanted she directed me to a bedroom.

The room was painted light blue and  had a unicorn mobile dangling from the ceiling. The mobile was directly above a white wooden crib full of soft Disney toys. There was a chest of drawers to the right of the crib, which was made from white wood to match. Detailed hand-painted pictures of mysterious trees, rainbows, fluffy white clouds, and fairies were painted on the sky blue walls. I would have died for a room like this when I was five. The nursery appeared to be untouched, but that wasn't what confused me the most. On the wall above the crib were 6 colourful letter outlines hanging on the wall. The letters spelled out 'Phoebe'. That was my name, but of the few people who knew my name in this town thought they my name was Zoe.

I cleared my throat before breaking the silence.

"This is a very pretty room." My voice sounded quieter than I intended.

"Thank you. I haven't been in here for a while, and I'd forgotten how beautiful the wall decorations were." Emma smiled, but her eyes looked glassy. "I'll leave you here for a moment. I'm going to get changed, and then I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Emma left the room, shutting the door behind her. I noticed a small pile of clothes on top of the chest of drawers that Emma must have left. The pile included a pair of gingham pyjama bottoms and a band T-Shirt. I had no idea who the band was, but I changed into the comfortable clothes, anyway. Emma was so generous, giving someone she just met a play to stay and clothes to borrow. My own mother was probably a bad excuse of a parent, seeing as she abandoned a one-year-old in the middle of a busy city. If my mom hadn't been selfish and crazy, I would have hoped she would be a bit like Emma.

I wandered downstairs in search of a glass of water. I didn't want to make myself at home too much, as I was paranoid I would appear rude and ungrateful. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I followed the sound of the TV. If the television was on, it probably meant Emma was watching it and I could ask her if I could make myself a drink.

Emma turned around when she heard my footsteps. "Do you want to watch this with me?" She asked.

Emma sprawled across the sofa watching friends. She moved her feet onto the floor to make room for me.

"Do you like friends?" Emma asked.

"I love it. People sometimes call me Phoebe Buffay to try and annoy me, but it doesnt." I said. As soon as I shut my mouth, I realised I needed a good cover story. I had been honest with Emma about everything except my name.

"Why do people so that's?" Emma's arched eyebrows furrowed slighly with confusion.

"Oh...it's probably because she lived on the streets in New York, or something like that's. I'm not sure." I couldn't act to save my life. My nose didn't need to grow a metre like Pinocchio's to show I was lying.

"That's mean. But hey, Phoebe ended up with a pretty great life, so you could take it as a compliment.

I knew I would have to tell her my real name soon, because I kept forgetting she knew me as Zoe. I trusted her, but I didn't know when the right time would be.

Repeat     (A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction / Captain Swan's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now