Baby's first checkup!

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By some miracle Kristen managed to get up before Eliana, looking over to the bassinet, she saw her little girl fast asleep, her crazy black hair splayed all over like she had had one too many to drink last night. Last night had been very interesting for them both. Kristen could tell that Eliana was confused when Kristen would change her diaper, she was used to daddy doing it and would look around for him. She didn't cry for him she was just curious.

Kristen was headed into the bathroom when her phone buzzed frantically, she went back into the bedroom and grabbed it off the nightstand. It was an alarm, reminding her that Eliana had a doctors appointment in 2 hours that she had completely forgotten about.

"Fuck!"She muttered. She really did not want to go alone, she decided to ask her mother to come with. Not only for emotional support but also to help deal with paparazzi. Making sure Eliana was still asleep Kristen headed downstairs to find her mom in the kitchen

"Good morning sweetheart," Jules said

"Morning mom"

"Are you alright?"

I forgot Eliana has an appointment today.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

"Would you? I hate to ask."

"Of course, I will."

"I gotta go get ready and get her ready" Kristen said as she headed up the stairs. She entered the bedroom just as Eliana was opening her eyes looking around for Kristen

"Goodmorning Eliana" Kristen said smiling at her baby. "Did you sleep good baby girl?" Kristen asked as she picked her up. She took Eliana with her to the bathroom.

"Let's get you a bath Lovebug." Laying Eliana on the floor, Kristen grabbed the baby bath from the corner and placed in the bathtub before starting the water. She headed into the closet she grabbed some towels, sleeper, and a new diaper for Eliana before heading back to the bathroom. Slowly she laid Eliana into the bath, Eliana immediately started crying, not really liking the water

"Hey, enough of that hun, you're alright. Mommy's here." Kristen cooed as she ran the washcloth up and down Eliana's arms. Eliana was fine except for some fussing as long as Kristen talked to her, She would explain what she was doing to the baby. Even though she knew Eliana didn't understand what she was saying in the slightest, she didn't cry and that's all the mattered to Kristen, there would be enough crying later.

Finishing up, Kristen wrapped her baby In the towel and took her into the bedroom. Laying her on the bed she started to dry her as Eliana squirmed and let out tiny cries of displeasure.

"I know your cold baby, give momma a minute." Kristen got Eliana dressed and cradled her against her chest as the tiny baby cried. She ran her hand up and down her back quietly whispering to her,

"What's the matter, hun? It's alright. I've got you." Jules came into the room having heard the baby crying

"Everything alright?"

Kristen sighed "I just gave her a bath, she's upset right now." She turned her attention back to her daughter who was starting to calm down as she rocked her.

"It's ok sweetheart, mommy has to get ready alright?"

"You want me to take her?"

"If you could." Kristen slowly handed Eliana over to her mother who started talking to the baby to calm her down.

Kristen headed into her closet and changed out of her pajamas into some civilization clothes for the first time in about a week. Just a light shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Reaching into Eliana's side of the closet she grabbed the diaper bag and went around the room filling it with things she would need for the day. She also grabbed her fluffy blanket off the bed and stuffed it in her bag.

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