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Rob was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, it had been an extremely long night. As he predicted, Eliana would not take the formula. He tried for almost an hour to persuade her, but when he saw how in distress she was. He gave in and gave her one of the bottles of breast milk that thankfully they still had in the fridge.

Between caring for his daughter and constantly worrying about Kristen, he didn't get any sleep. He had called up the hospital just an hour ago to check on Kristen's condition and to his demise, she still had not woken up.

He still had another hour until visiting hours at the hospital started and he wanted nothing more than to be with Kristen and to take Eliana to see her mom. When the coffee was done, he headed over to the couch where he was promptly joined by Bear and Bernie. It was like they could sense something wasn't right, the whole atmosphere felt off.

After a while, Rob decided he should go get Eliana ready. He put his cup in the sink and headed upstairs to where Eliana was sleeping in the bedroom. He changed her and got her dressed, being careful not to wake her. He left her to sleep in the bassinet for a little while longer as he went and restocked the diaper bag, making sure he had plenty of everything for the entire day. He was not planning on leaving Kristen's side until visiting hours were over.


Arriving at the hospital, Rob headed upstairs to Kristen's room with Eliana against his chest. He entered the room and sighed when he saw that Kristen had still not woken up. but to Robert, she didn't look as sickly as she had just hours ago. He took a seat in the recliner next to her bed and repositioned Eliana so she could see her momma.

"There's your mum sweetheart" Rob softly whispered to Eliana. He moved her to his other arm and took Kristen's hand into his.

"Come on babe, please wake up" Rob pleaded.  "I love you so much ...." Rob was interrupted by a nurse coming in after shift change.

"Good morning, my name is Becky and I'll be taking care of Kristen today." She said as she wrote her information on the board.

"Hello," Rob said without looking at her. He didn't want to believe they were in a hospital right now. He wanted to just imagine they were home and he was just watching Kristen sleep in their bed like he had done so many times before.

"Well, isn't she a cutie! Is she yours?" The nurse said referring to Eliana

Rob looked at her confused. "Yes, she's our daughter."

The nurse had a sudden idea. She went and rearranged some of the cords that were on Kristen's chest and then went over to Robert.

"Can I?" She asked gesturing towards Eliana

Rob was utterly confused. "Um, sure." He handed his daughter over to the nurse and watched as she softly talked to Eliana as she laid her on her stomach on Kristen's chest and laid one of Her arms over her

"There," the nurse said. Rob watched as Eliana buried her head into Kristen's neck and snuggled deeper. She knew she was with her momma.

"Thank you," he said to the nurse

"No problem, it might help her wake up. The doctors will be doing their rounds pretty soon"

20 minutes later, the room filled up with doctors and nurses.

The doctor really didn't offer any new information, they needed to just wait and see where Kristen's condition turned. Towards the end of the conversation, Rob brought up the breastfeeding issue

"I was told that I needed to give her formula until Kristen's system cleared out, but she will not take the formula"

"Who told you that?"

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now