Chapter 17: Discussion

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I stared at him for a few seconds, then my eyes trailed down his neck, where there was trace of pink lipstick. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignored the burning sensation that was creeping over my heart.

It was only sex, Athena.

"Yes" i answered calmly then resumed with putting the biscuits in the cupboard. How many freaking biscuit and snacks did Alena buy?

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" he breathed. He sounded as if he was controlling himself. Damn. He sounded so hot. I scoffed, then turned to look at him. Just as I was about to tell him that he could just go and fuck himself, Alena walked in the kitchen and stopped when she saw Damian and I.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked suspiciously as she approached the cupboard and took out a packet of biscuit.

"Getting to know each other" I told her while glaring at Damian. Then, I turned to glare at her when I saw that she made a mess in the cupboard. "And for your information, I've just put those in the cupboard and you freaking made a mess!" I exclaimed. She gave me a smirk and shrugged.

"That will teach you to tell me when you're going out for a run in the morning" she said. Yeah. I kinda lied to her about this morning. Damian simply stood there, his eyes on me.

"I always go for a run in the morning" I lied. She rolled her eyes at me.

"I was worried" she said.

"You're always worried for nothing" I scoffed. She shoved me playfully and turned her attention to Damian.

"Well, what I'm really worried about right now, is that Damian's whore is going to come today. And she will be staying with us for a week" Alena snapped while glaring at Damian. Oh. She's going to stay. I glared at Damian and finally resigned in arguing with him. Let's end the deal. It will be so fucking easy than to argue.

"You know that I don't have the fucking choice" Damian spat.

"Everyone has a choice, dumbass" Alena retorted before walking out of the kitchen. I stared at Damian and shrugged.

"End of the deal" I simply said, making his eyes send daggers in my direction.

"It's for fucking publicity" he exclaimed.

"I don't give a flying fuck" I replied, totally emotionless. "In the deal, it was clear that we shouldn't be having a relationship at the same time" I told him.

"It's a fake relationship" he snapped.

"Still a relationship"

"Why are you complicating everything?" he growled as he walked towards me.

"You are complicating things. Your girlfriend is going to be here soon. I don't want any problem. I already explained that to Dean" I whispered as he stood in front of me. I felt so intimidated when he would stand in front of me like this, towering over me.

"And I fucking heard all of it" he said. "But I don't want this to end" he continued. Before I could respond, he crashed his lips against mine, making me moan. I shouldn't be doing this. But hell, his lips fell so fucking good. Just as he licked my lips for entrance, i snapped out of it. I pecked his lips one last time and pulled away.

"I'm not willing to take the risk. The deal's over" I mumbled before walking out of the kitchen, leaving him there. As I walked into the living room, I saw Thomas and Jace sitting on the couch, both eating chocolate biscuits. I took a deep breath, trying to recover from the conversation that I just had with Damian.

As soon as I exhaled, Thomas turned to look at me with a biscuit between his teeth. I chuckled and walked to him. He took out the biscuit and gave me a cheeky smile. I wiped his face with my hand, then smiled back. He looked so cute. Jace chuckled, before stealing Thomas' half eaten biscuit and ate it while staring at my little brother in amusement. Thomas simply rolled his eyes and pointed to the packet of biscuits.

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