Chapter 34: Frustrating

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"Miss, you are to follow me outside" I unwrapped my arms from around Chris's neck to turn glare at the person who dared to disturb my dancing. I saw a man, dressed in a nice suit and who looked damn professional.

"And you are?" I asked, with rose eyebrows.

"I work for Mr Spears" he said with a Stern voice. I scoffed.

"Who let you in?" Chris asked from behind as he walked in front of me. He was trying to look intimidating but the man seemed unfaze by him.

"The door was already opened" the man said. I moved a little bit so that I wasn't behind Chris anymore.

"Tell Damian that I'm quite busy right now and he can go fuck himself... Or Rosemary" I said before motioning him to go with a small smile on my face. The man stared at me, still with no emotion on his face as he gave one single nod and walked away.

"Your fuck buddy, who already has a girlfriend, sent someone to pick you up?" Chris asked, looking slightly amused.

"Ex girlfriend" I corrected and closed my eyes when I fell my head aching a little bit. "I'm going outside for a few minutes" I said and turned to walk out but Chris's hand enveloped itself around my wrist.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a frown on his face.

"A headache. I need fresh air" I told him and he slowly released my hand.

"I'm going to look for Jasmine. She'll come with you" he said and I nodded before walking out of the house. I stood on the porch and looked around slightly to look for somewhere to sit. I noticed the grass and decided to sit on it.

I wonder how many dogs peed here.

I took a deep breath and quickly regretted it when my head started spinning. I closed my eyes and let my body fall on the grass, forgetting about the dog's pee. There must definitely be pee on this grass. I mean, if I was a dog, a Bitch to be exact, I'd definitely pee on Chris's grass.

"What are you thinking about?" I opened my eyes to see Jasmine leaning towards me. Then she sat next to me when she realized that I wasn't going to stand up.

"About me peeing on this grass" I told her and she chuckled at the thought. "You have a sexy chuckle" I told her as I sat up properly while giving her a wide smile.

"You're really drunk" Jasmine laughed.

"I'm not! I'd totally bang you if I was lesbian" I slurred a little bit. "Yeah, maybe I'm a little bit drunk" I admitted. "But I was serious about banging you" Jasmine laughed louder, making me pout. I closed my eyes and leant my head on her shoulder.

"You've had a shitty night?" Jasmine asked.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You seem to be drinking to forget" she pointed out.

"Damian fucked everything up" I snapped and pulled away to look at her when I felt anger resurfacing. She smiled but motioned me to keep going. "He planned a date with your bitchy sister Rosemary" I bursted out and turned my face towards the grass, glaring at it.

"Rosemary feels threatened by you" Jasmine told me as she wrapped her arm around me.

"Why would she be fucking threatened? She's gorgeous. Damian loves her. But seriously what's wrong with her for cheating on someone like Damian. Yes. He can be an asshole at times, but he's an amazing asshole and he knows how to fuck a girl right" I rambled but then quickly shut the off up when I felt Jasmine poking my side. "What?" I turned to look at her and rose my eyebrows when I saw her staring away from me. She was staring in front of her. She was not even paying attention to whatever I was saying. She was so rude. I poked her side, making her squeal. "You're so rude!" I exclaimed and turned to stand up but I froze when I saw someone standing in front of me. Well, I saw feet first. I was scared to raise my head to look at the owner of those expensive shoes. Somehow, deep down in my drunken self, I knew who it was.

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