Chapter 66: Club Sex

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"Holy shit!" Alena gasped when she saw me. I simply looked at her in confusion. Her eyes moved to Damian who was standing behind me. I turned around to look at Damian. He still had that annoying but still sexy smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"What were you guys doing out there?" Dean asked while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"Why?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, you should take a look at your neck" Alena said while offering me a sheepish smile. I touched my neck and felt a little bit sore. I turned to look at Damian with wide eyes. Without losing another second, I ran to the toilet. I opened the door and dashed in. Surprisingly, it was empty. I turned to look at myself in the mirror. My neck was covered with huge ass love bites. After a few seconds, the door opened and Damian walked in, then locked it.

"That's your punishment" He told me as he approached me. He smiled while observing the marks that he did on my neck. He seemed pretty proud of himself. I wasn't angry because of the Love bites. I could feel happiness radiating from me. I was happy because I felt like I was his.

"You should punish me more often" I whispered huskily while staring at him. He clenched his jaws then closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. It was as if he was trying to control himself. He was finally in front of me, our foreheads were touching. I ran my hand in his messy hair and smiled. It felt good to have him near me. He suddenly lifted me up, then put me on the counter, causing me to yelp and giggle.

Gosh. I hate giggling.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to mine. What about I give him a little punishment for working when we were supposed to spend time together. I moved my lips closer to his. Just when he was about to connect our lips, I moved slightly, resulting in him kissing my cheek. He moved his head to that it was now in the crook of my neck. He took a deep breath and pecked my skin over there.

"You always smell so good" He whispered, making me chuckle. I pulled away so that I was able to look at his face. One thing that I was sure about was that, he was not definitely not drunk. I didn't wait longer before crashing my lips against his. Fuck the punishment. The kiss was rough and passionate at the same time. I was pouring all my feelings through it. I needed to do that. I needed him to know how I felt. I could feel his hands on my legs, travelling upper, lifting my long skirt upwards.

"Damian" I moaned, breaking the kiss when I felt his hand skimming my sex. My hands found their way to his pants and at that moment, my goal was to open his zipper. After a few seconds, his pants were down and we were kissing again.

"You're so fucking wet" Damian growled in want as he inserted one finger inside of me. Without waiting another second, he thrusted inside of me, making me gasp in pain and pleasure. My nails buried in his shoulder as he started moving. His eyes were on my face. "Open your eyes!" He ordered when I closed my eyes due to the overwhelming emotions. I opened my eyes, making him speed up. I held on him, trying to grasp each and every little ounce of pleasure and feelings that I was getting.

"I love you" I breathed, not caring whether he was going to say it back or not. I simply needed to let him know. I felt him twitch inside of me at the words. He crushed his lips against mine again. I could feel an orgasm building as he kept thrusting in me. I moaned and quickly bit my lips to prevent myself from making more embarrassing noises. The next thing I knew, we both exploded at the same time.

"You're so beautiful" He breathed as he fixed my clothes and i buckled his belt. I chuckled and pecked his forehead.

"Even when I'm drunk and sweaty?" I questioned. He nodded, his eyes never leaving mine.

"You're always beautiful" He said and helped me off the counter. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I really love the man who was standing in front of me. "You know what I love the most about you?" He suddenly questioned. I shook my head. "Your eyes" He said. "They're so pure" He said then bent to kiss my eyes. Just as I was about to talk, we heard banging on the door.

"I think we need to go" I mumbled.

"Yeah" He said as we walked to the door. Damian unlocked it then opened it to find a girl glaring in our direction.

"This is the girl's toilet" the girl exclaimed in annoyance.

"We know" Damian and i said at the same time before walking out of the toilet, both having huge grins on our faces. We walked to the table where we found Isaac, Rose, Dean and Alena sitting and drinking. When we approached them, Isaac moved slightly to make place for us. Alena and Dean were grinning knowingly in our direction. I couldn't help but grin as well. The guys resumed their conversations. Damian was talking with Alena while I noticed Isaac lookin at me. He leant closer to me.

"I thought you said you were single" Isaac whispered in my ear. I caught Damian watching us in the corner of his eyes. I grinned then turned to look at Isaac fully. I smirked while taking a bottle of beer, for it only to be snatched back by Damian who gave me a full glare before handing the bottle to Dean.

"I am" I told Isaac while smiling.

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