Chapter 57: Argument

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"What phone call?" I asked.

"Someone called Damian and told him that you looked sexy in your black dress" Dean explained as he turned and looked at me. His eyes skimmed my body, then he turned back to look at the road.

"He fucking followed you here" Damian said through clenched jaws. I knew that he was about to burst. He seemed so furious.

"But he didn't do anything" I tried to reassure. Damian didn't say anything. In fact, no one said a thing. I sighed in exasperation. I was tired of this situation. "What does he fucking want?" I mumbled to myself as I stared at the road. We could feel the tension and the worry in the car. A few minutes later, we reached Rose's house and I was surprised to see a bunch of security guards.

"Damn" Rose whispered from next to me when Damian parked. People were going to think that there were some celebrity staying at Rose's place. There were two security guards by the front door and three by the gate.

"Damian" I groaned. "Are you serious?" I asked while shaking my head. "Why didn't you hire only one guard?" I asked.

"Because I need you fucking safe" He snapped. Dean and Rose got out of the car and they were already inside the house in the following thirty seconds. They seriously didn't want to witness the argument that was going to happen between Damian and I.

"You guys are here already! The creep won't approach me" I said as I got out as well. Damian did the same and the next thing that we did, was a glaring contest.

"He fucking got into your room while there were guards around the house" He said, then ran his hands in his hair, seeming tired of this argument.

"You were not here then!" I exclaimed. "He always do something when I'm alone" I pointed out. "So having guards do not make a difference" Damian clenched his jaws then shrugged.

"They do not make a difference. So what's the problem with having them?" He asked.

"They attract the attention of people, Damian!" I snapped in exasperation as I pointed at the three guards who were dressed in black Suits and we're wearing glasses. Definitely men in black.

"I don't give a fuck about people"

"What about Patrick and Josline? Do you think they like the attention?" I questioned while rolling my eyes. He was so freaking stubborn that it was impossible to argue with him.

"I already talked to them and they said that they do not mind. So shut up and get in the house already because you're the one attracting attention right now" Damian said and walked in the house, leaving me standing next to the car. I looked around and when I realized that the neighbors were actually standing on their porch and looking at me. Didn't they have better things to do than to peek in people's business? I faked a smile and waved awkwardly at them. They smiled back and shook their head before walking back in their house. Talk about awkwardness. Were we talking that loud. I sighed and walked back in the house, smiling at the guards.

"She's so fucking stubborn" I heard someone say as I walked by the living room. I peeked in and saw Dean and Damian sitting on the couch. Damian was leaning his head on the couch with his eyes closed. "She fucking doesn't get the fact that I'm doing all that to protect her" He continued. Dean was smirking while looking at his brother. I knew that they were talking about me so I rolled my eyes and walked in the living room.

"I get the fact that you're trying to protect me" I said. At the sound of my voice, Damian opened his eyes. Dean stood up and simply walked out of the room, leaving the two of us alone. "I feel like you're stressing yourself too much for me" I said, trying to sound emotionless.

"That's because I don't want anything to happen to you" Damian said, his voice suddenly soft. I watched as he stood up and took small steps in my direction. When he was finally in front of me, he put one of his hands on my left cheek and slowly caressed it.

"Damian, we're here to escape the stress and the routines. So please, stop taking all that so seriously. I know it's a dangerous matter. I know my life is in danger. But for a few days, can't we forget all this?" I asked, my voice really low. My eyes met his. I noticed the intensity of the unknown emotion that was swimming in his eyes.

She's only a good fuck.

As soon as the words echoed in my head, I took a step backward. I lost the warmth that was radiating from him. He looked at me, a frown forming on his face. I offered him a smile, that clearly didn't each my eyes. He seemed to notice it as he took a step backward as well. He stood in front of me, studying me from afar. I stood there, not knowing what to say more.

"Athena" I turned my head to see Rose standing by the door. She stared at the two of us then took a deep breath. I wanted to thank her for saving me from his awkward and uncomfortable situation. Being with Damian was a lot more difficult. It was my fault. I didn't even realize when I started to get involve emotionally.

"Yes?" I answered, my eyes not leaving Damian's.

"Mom is calling you" Rose said then walked away. How can I not fall in love with Damian? Somehow, from the start, I knew that I was taking a risk. The man that was in front of me was perfect. He was my kind of perfect. I knew that even if I had the choice, I'd be taking this risk, over and over again.

I'd be taking the risk to fall in love with him, over and over again.

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