Chapter 71: Upside Down

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I walked in my apartment slowly. Ross left me in front of the building then drove away. I wasn't feeling at ease. The apartment seemed void. I put my suitcase by the door then slowly walked to the living room. All the couch pillows were on the floor. The drawers were wide open but nothing has been moved. I was scared. I slowly turned around and noticed shoes print on the floor. Someone has been here. And I feel like they were looking for something. I walked to the kitchen and noticed that everything was normal there. I turned in the corridor, then saw that my room door was wide open. I gulped. I remember that the apartment was clean and all the doors were closed when Damian and I came to take my stuffs. Even the walls had hand prints. The floor was muddy. It felt like everything was done on purpose. The person probably knew that I was going to come back. Everything was going according to his plan.

"Calm down, Athena" I whispered to myself as I tiptoed down the corridor towards my room. The ringing of my phone made me jumped in fright and my hands flew to my heart, which seemed to be beating too fast. "Fuck!" I cursed as I closed my eyes for a few seconds before taking my phone out of my pocket. Maybe I was just overreacting. There was no one in the Freaking house. I signed when I saw Damian's name flashing on my phone. I debated on whether I should answer or not. He was going to yell at me. For sure. By the time I was debating, the phone stopped ringing. I called him back. He answered on the first seconds itself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Damian breathed. He didn't shout or anything. He simply asked me and I could already imagine him shaking his head. "Why did you leave?" He asked. I could detect the control in his voice. He was trying his best not to yell at me for leaving. "Your life is in fucking danger and the only thing to think is good to do is to leave the house alone?" He questioned.

"I had to" I mumbled.

"Don't pull on the hospital bullshit on me because I know it's not true" Damian snapped now. Yeah, I was really testing his patience. "And why the fucking hell did you go to Chris?" He asked.

"I called Ross but instead Chris showed up. Jasmine is here as well" I told him quickly.

"I'm going to pick you up" He told me. My plan was going well. Well, at first, he was not supposed to come after me but if coming after me, means him and Chris to solve their problems, then I'm good with it.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you" I told me as I walked down the corridor, feeling more reassured now that I'm talking to him.

"You have no idea how pissed I am right now, Athena" Damian said, then I could hear some shuffling in the background. I was now standing in front of my room, the door was slightly opened. I pushed it open and my eyes widened.

"Holy fuck" I whispered in shock at the mess in which my room was. Someone has definitely been here.

"Athena?" Damian called.

"Yeah" I answered, my voice croaking slightly.

"What's wrong now?" He asked, I knew he stopped moving and he was focusing on me at that moment. "Is there a problem?" He asked, sounding worried.

"I'm good. I'm waiting for you" I said then hung up. He was most probably swearing at me right now. I put my phone back in my pocket then stared at my room.

Who the hell would do that?

The remaining of my clothes were scattered on the floor. The mattress of my bed was upside down. My pillows were no where to be seen. All my drawers were emptied and thus my things were on the floor. The worst of all was the walls of my room. They were all covered with small letter J. Who the fuck was that person. He was a freaking psycho. In the middle of the small letters, were written those terrifying words.

'I want you to be mine... Or dead'

"Calm down" I ordered myself when I felt myself started shaking. I needed to get a grip of myself. I quickly walked out of the room. Well, I needed to get out of the apartment itself. I did. I took my suitcase and walked out of the apartment. Once the door was closed behind me, I took a deep breath, then exhaled. I felt like someone was observing me. I could feel the goosebumps rising on my skin. Something bad was going to happen sooner or later. I quickly walked down the stairs, trying not to fall down. Damian was going to come here to pick me up so when I walked out of the building, I saw down on the nearby bench and waited.

Who the hell was that J? What did he want? Me. The message was clear. I closed my eyes and ignored the numerous people walking in front of me. I felt like crying but the tears won't fall. I couldn't be that weak. I needed to be strong. I opened my eyes and stared at the sky. I noticed that it was starting to turn gray. I smiled when I felt a droplet of water fall on my face. When it started raining, I closed my eyes and let skin absorb the rain. Everyone was running for shelter while I stood up and let the rain falk on my skin. It was so relaxing. I decided to forget about the problems for the few minutes. There was a large smile on my face and i noticed people looking at me as if I lost my mind. I didn't care for the moment. The rain was calming me down. Even though I was now drenched.

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