Chapter 36: Visit.

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"You can't just open the door!" I exclaimed as I watched Dean opening the door to his parents house. He gave me a grin before opening the door and stepping in the house.

"It's the house of my parents" Dean said.

"Exactly. It's not your house" I mumbled. Alena sighed and shook her head before walking in the house, leaving me and Dean glaring at each other in front of the house.

"Come inside already!" Alena shouted in exasperation, making both Dean and I run inside. Alena could be scary as fuck when she wanted to. Once I was in the house, my mouth dropped open at how huge it was. It was much bigger than my parent's.

"Damn" I mumbled while blinking my eyes several times. It was really modern. Something was lacking though. The house seemed so empty. Until Thomas's laugh broke through. A smile lit on my face when I realized how lively the house seemed when I saw my little brother walking down the stairs while laughing at something Jeff said. Yes. His presence only changed everything. Thomas turned towards us and as soon as his eyes met mine, his eyes lit with excitement. He ran to me, making me glare slightly.

"Thomas! Don't run down the stairs" I scolded. Soon he was in front of me, panting and already sweating. I kneel in front of him and took him in my arms. "How are you, sweetheart?" I asked as I pulled away. He was now breathing properly.

"Just a little bit tired because of the running" he told me with a little sheepish smile.

"What did I tell you about running?" I asked while playing glaring at me.

"To run only if it's necessary, such as a kidnapper running after me or Hulk running after me" he said as he rolled his eyes. I chuckled. He was no longer that small.

"Hello! I'm here too" Alena exclaimed as she stared at our brother.

"Oops" Thomas said and walked to her. I stood up and watched as Jeff and Celina walked to me.

"How are you feeling?" Celina asked while she hugged me.

"I'm good. What about you?" I directed the question to both Jeff and Celina.

"We're good as well" Jeff said while chuckling.

"This boy is something else" Celina whispered with adoration in her eyes as she stared at Thomas. That's what my brother needed. He was getting the love and the affection that my parents couldn't give him. I could feel my eyes tearing up.

"Honey,are you Okay?" Celina asked, concerned could be detected in her voice.

"Thank you" I unwillingly sobbed. She gave me a smile and pulled me in a hug again. "Thank you" I repeated as I buried my face in her shoulder. She patted my shoulder.

"Sweetheart, you're one strong and independent woman. Helping you take care of this little amazing boy is normal and the pleasure is ours" She told me as she pulled away and wiped my tears away.

"My wife and I know the situation between you and your parents. You're fighting for what you believe in, and we like that" Jeff said and kissed my forehead. I took a deep breath to control my emotions. I shouldn't be crying but knowing that there are people with good souls surrounding me, makes me feel safe.

"Athena! Do you want to see my room?" Thomas asked with excitement as he walked to me and took my hand in his.

"Of course!" I replied in happiness as I tried to make the evidence of my previous crying disappear.

"Well, go sweetheart" Celina said with a smile. "When you're done, we'll be in the kitchen" she continued. "And you mister! You need to sleep" She playfully scolded Thomas after tapping him slowly on his nose, causing him to laugh.

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