Chapter 74: I'm What?

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"Do you want me to stay with you?" Alena asked while we waited in the doctor's cabinet. I nodded. I was feeling sleepy. I leant my head against my sister while waiting for the doctor to come.

"Athena Amington?" I turned my head to look at the old woman who just walked in.

"Here" I mumbled, then settled myself properly on the seat.

"So tell me" she said, as she sat behind her desk. She smiled at me, encouraging me to talk.

"I've been having fever for three days" I told her.

"And she vomited today" Alena added. I looked at the badge of the doctor and noticed that 'Dr Geezmo' was written on it. She approached me, with her stethoscope, then checked my heartbeats. A frown formed on her face.

"We'll have to do more test. Follow me, Miss Athena. I'll have to ask you to wait outside" she told Alena who nodded. I frowned. Something must be serious. I took a deep breath and proceeded to the tests. "You may wait outside by the time we get the results of your tests" the doctor said as she opened the door for me. I smiled and walked out to see my sister sitting in the waiting room. I walked to her and sat down.

"So?" she asked curiously.

"We have to wait for the result " I told her. She nodded then looked at her phone.

"I kinda called Damian to tell him that we were here" she said. I groaned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he tried calling you several times and you were not answering" she deadpan.

"I left my phone at home" I told her. We waited several minutes until Dr Geezmo called me back in. Alena accompanied me this time. I noticed that the doctor had a bright smile on her face. I sat on the chair and my sister took place beside me.

"Well, Miss Amington, congratulations" she said with a smile. "You're pregnant" I froze.


I was pregnant?

Damian's baby was growing inside of me?

Our baby was growing inside of me?

A gasp left my sister's mouth. I didn't know how to react at that moment. I was surprised. The one thing that was in my mind right now was Damian.

"You also have a cold which will treated with the medicines that I'm going to prescribe you" she continued, oblivion to the surprise that she has just put us in. She stood up and walked out.

"You're fucking pregnant, Athena!" My sister exploded with happiness.

"It's not something to be happy about, Alena" I said in disbelief. "Damian and I aren't even a thing! Someone is trying to kill me! I don't even have my own place to stay! I don't even have a proper work" and suddenly I was crying. All these petty things that I said I shouldn't worry about, was becoming important things. "I need to get some air" I said and at the same time the doctor walked.

"Go wait by the car, I'll take your medicines and come" Alena said when she realized that I badly needed some air. I stood up and walked out of the cabinet. I quickly made my way to the car and sighed when I saw a bench nearby. So much was happening in my mind. I sat on the bench, trying to calm myself. I have to tell Damian. What if he rejects the baby then?

Then, you man up and you bring up your child on your own, Athena! My mind yelled at me.

Yeah, I shouldn't be dependent on Damian.

"Are you okay?" Alena asked when she reached me. I nodded when she sat next to me. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

"On whether Damian is going to reject or accept this baby" I told her as I held my head in my hands and taking deep breaths to calm myself.

"And if he rejects it? Are you going to abort?" Alena asked, sounding quite reluctant to talk about this subject. I scoffed then shook my head.

"It's not 'it', Alena" I told her as I sat properly and turned to look at her. "And abortion is not something I would ever consider. That's my baby, whether Damian rejects him or not, I'm going to take care of my baby" I said. Alena smiled and pulled me in a hug.

"I'm the one who got married. How come you're the one pregnant?" she asked teasingly. I couldn't even laugh. I was so nervous about Damian's reaction. "You're nervous" Alena concluded. I nodded.

"Damian is not ready for a relationship. How is he going to be ready to be a father?"I asked while shaking my head. "He might even think that I got pregnant just for him not to leave me" I sobbed. Alena scoffed.

"You know he won't think about that" Alena said while shaking her head. "When are you thinking about telling him that?" she asked and stood up. I stood up next then walked to the car.

"Tonight" I breathed. I unconsciously stared at my belly. A smile crept on my face as my hand instinctively held it. I caressed it softly while Alena stared at me, a smile on her face. She unlocked the car and I got in. I was starting to feel the happiness.

"Do you want me to stay with you when you'll tell him?" Alena asked as she started driving. I shook my head. I needed to do that alone. I needed to stop relying on other people.

"I'll tell him" I said. "I think that we need to be just the two of us when I'll tell him" I told my sister who nodded.

"If there's any problem, just give me a call, okay?" she asked. I knew that she was worried about me. I was nervous. But I was happy as well. I was pregnant with the baby of the man I love. He might not love me back, but still. I was happy.

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