Chapter 82

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"This is the address of a warehouse" Dean said as he stared at the phone. A frown appeared on his face. I needed to go there. I needed to save him. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I didn't want Damian to get hurt. He simply wanted to protect me and there is was, kidnapped by some creep. I quickly walked the stairs. I didn't care about my sister and Dean right now.

"Athena" Alena called. I could hear them following me behind. I walked in my room, then put on a jacket and took my keys.

"You're not going anywhere" I turned to see Dean standing next to my sister.

"I have to" I snapped. I quickly walked to the door. Alena stood in front of me. "Let me go" I begged. When she didn't move, I by passed her, then ran down the stairs. Again, I heard them following.

"If he's in danger today, that's because of me" I said. "I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. Now just don't get involved in that" I plead as I opened the door.

"What are you going to do once you go there?" Dean asked with clenched jaws. He seemed pissed. "Damian will be pissed if we let you go" he said.

"He will be pissed if he's still fucking alive!" I spat then walked out. Before they could say more stuffs, I ran to my car. I motioned to Liam to let me out. He frowned but still opened the gate. I started the engine and drove out. In the rear view mirror, I noticed my sister and Dean standing on the porch. Dean had his phone by his ears. He was most probably trying to contact his father. I quickly drove out of the alley, then took the directions of that mysterious warehouse. My fingers tapped on the steering wheel nervously. I felt bad. I felt anxious. I felt guilty.

"Fuck" I swore as a tear rolled down my cheek as I drove. I increased the speed. I was angry. I was furious at myself. If I was in that problem today, it was because I somehow fucked up. After a few minutes, I turned to the left and noticed that I was soon on the road of the warehouse. I stopped the car, then looked around. It was weird. It was deserting. I took a deep breath. When I exhaled, my breath was shaky. I closed eyes and faced the steering wheel while still gripping on it.

What am I supposed to do once I get in?

Without thinking even more, I opened the door and got out of the car. I stepped out, then stared at the huge door. I held on my jacket, then again, inhaled in order to feel less anxious. I walked to the door and pushed it open. It was all dark inside. I was ready to do anything to save Damian. I simply walked in. It was dark inside. It smelled like dust and rust. I could notice a lot of metal things stuffed in the warehouse. I walked deeper, trying to look for Damian. No one. There was no one. Maybe I wasn't in the right place. I could feel a heavy weight in my chest.

Calm down, Athena.

"Damian" I called. I noticed a room where I could see light coming from. I quickly ran to it. "Damian" I called again. When I heard a groan, I froze. It was definitely Damian. I pushed open the door. A sob left my mouth when I saw Damian in the middle of the room. He was tied up to a chair. He had a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. I could see blood dripping all over his face. I looked around the room to see if there was any danger. When I realized that there was none, I ran to my boyfriend. "Damian" I breathed. I rose his face to look at him. I looked at his bruises and sighed in relief when I realized that they were not serious. When his eyes met mine, they widened. I pulled out the piece of cloth from his mouth.

"No. No. No" he breathed when he was sure that I was standing in front of him in this gross room. "Get out of here, Athena" he begged.

"I'm not going anywhere without you" I breathed and looked at the knots that were done to tie his hands. They seemed difficult to untie. I looked around for a sharp object to be able to cut it off but I found none.

"I want you safe. I want our Baby safe. Please, for once, listen to me. Go" he sounded helpless and in a lot of pain. I silently prayed that Dean and Alena had called the cops so that they could come here before the Creep would.

"I wouldn't be able to live, knowing that you were in fucking danger because of me. Or worst, you died because of me " I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I proceeded in trying to untie his hands but I couldn't.

"Athena" I heard Damian breathe. I walked in front of him. I stared at him. His eyes seemed teary. I got on my knees in front of him as I held his face. I knew it wasn't time for this but I felt like he was slowly giving up.

"We'll get out of this mess" I tried to reassure. Damian's eyes drifted to something behind me. No. It was someone. He looked alarmed.

"You won't get out of anything, sweetheart" I heard a familiar voice taunt. Before I could turn to look at the person, I felt something soft being placed on my nose. Damian was struggling on his chair as he looked at me.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Damian spat to the man as he tried to get himself free. I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't. Slowly, my eyes started to close.

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