Chapter 83: Kidnapper

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"Athena" I heard someone call. I felt tired. Really tired. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I felt like my hands were behind me. I could feel the rope around my wrist. I noticed that we were now somewhere else. We were no more in the gross warehouse. In front of me, Damian was seated on a chair. He was still tied up. He looked relief that I was finally up.

"I'm okay " I breathed. I looked around to see that we were now in a sort of basement. The light was dim. I stared at the stairs that led upstairs.

"I told you to go away" I heard Damian mumbled. I turned my attention to him. It seemed like it was difficult for him to stay awake. The beatings and the loss of blood had made him weak. He slowly rose his head to look at me.

"Would you leave me if I was in this situation?" I asked. He sighed. I knew that he wouldn't. I looked around the room, trying to find a way to escape. I needed to get out of here. I took a deep breath.

"Athena" I heard Damian say. I rose my head again to look at him. "I'm sorry" he said. I frowned. "I'm sorry that you and our baby are in this situation because of me" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Are you serious right now? You are in this fucking situation because of me! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be tied up to a fucking chair! You wouldn't be bleeding!" I ended up sobbing. He blinked several times before taking a deep breath.

"We need to get out of here" he breathed. He turned his head, wincing a little bit as he faced the stairs. As soon as he said that, I heard the door open. Damian and I stared at the stairs. Damian was already glaring in its direction.

"Is my love up yet?" I heard that familiar voice asked. That voice. I didn't have to wait long to see the face of the person who fucking kidnapped me and my boyfriend. When he was now standing in front of me, I froze.

Holy hell.

It was Jace.

Jace stood in front of me with an unknown expression on his face.

"J-Jace?" I stuttered in shock. He rolled his eyes, then pulled a chair to sit in the middle of Damian and I. He looked so different compared to the cool facade that he had when he was with us.

"Surprising, isn't it?" he asked with a grin on his face.

"Why would you do that?" I asked. I was shocked. I never expected Jace to be the person who was behind all this. He was the one who got me attacked. He was the one who broke in the apartment. He was the person who broke in the guest room at Damian's. He was the freaking creep.

"Don't look at me as if I was some sick monster" Jace breathed as he stared at me. I could decipher a vulnerable Jace as he looked at me. He didn't want me to see him as a monster. "It's all your freaking fault" he suddenly said. "All your fault!" he exclaimed then suddenly stood up. My breathing stopped as he was suddenly standing in front of me. He bent slowly slightly to look at me. I was scared to even breathe. "You're so alluring" he said slowly as he brought his hand to my hair. "A real temptress. How was I suppose to stay away from you?" he asked, his eyes were now on my neck. He clenched his jaws. He seemed angry. "But you wouldn't stay away from him!" he exclaimed as he turned to glare at Damian. He was about to walk to Damian. I knew that he was going to beat him again.

"You never told me!" I suddenly said, making me turn his attention back to me. His eyes softened as they settled on me. Damian was glaring at Jace. He was trying to get his hands freed.

"Would it has been different if I told you?" he asked as he fell on his knees in front of me. He put his head on my lap. An idea struck my mind. There was only a way to get out of here. It was to play Jace. I needed to make him trust me. I made a sign at Damian. He stared at me and when he understood what I wanted to do, he nodded.

"It would" I whispered loud enough for Jace to hear. He quickly rose his head to look at me. Hope glimmered in his eyes.

"It would?" he quickly asked.

"I thought you loved Rose" I said, faking confusion and relief.

"No!" he quickly exclaimed. "It was always you! I saw you at the strip club. I looked for you everywhere and when I finally found you, you wouldn't know how happy I was" he said. He stalked me? Holy hell. "I acted as if I was interested with Rose just to get close to you. You're everything that I want, Athena" Jace breathed. A tear rolled down on my cheek. It was mostly sadness as Damian and I were trapped in this shitty situation. I faked a smile then chuckled.

"If you told me before, we wouldn't be in this situation right now" I told Jace. Yeah, you fucking sick bastard! I would have had you locked behind bars. I was internally furious but I had to keep a cool facade.

"Is it too late?" Jace asked. I shook my head, then pretended to be shy.

"Of course, it's not!" I said. Jace stood up and walked behind me. I felt him cutting off the ropes. When my hands were free, I quickly brought when in front of me and massaged my wrist.

"What are we going to do with him? " Jace asked. He was so fucking easy to fool and I gain his trust so easily.

Now I needed to save Damian.

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