Chapter 81: message

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I felt someone move next to me. Oh shit. I fell asleep. Was Damian home yet? I quickly opened my eyes, not caring that the light was going to be irritating. My eyes searched the entire room until it stopped on someone. Alena. She was staring at me, a frown on her face. Something was wrong. I quickly sat up, then rubbed my eyes.

"Is he home?" I asked. I looked for my phone and noticed that it was by the pillow. I quickly took it, then unlocked it. It was six in the morning. The frown on my sister's face was proving that something was wrong. It was disturbing. She slowly shook her head.

"He's not home" Alena told me as she looked for something in her pocket jeans. She looked disturbed as well. This has take a more serious turn. I quickly took my phone and called Damian again. But again, he didn't answer. What if he was getting annoyed with me and he needed some space? I blinked once, twice and thrice. After a few minutes, I realized that maybe this was it. Maybe he was taking a pause.

"I think that he is avoiding our calls" I suddenly said out loud as I stared at my hands.

"What?" Alena asked. I rose my head to look at her. She looked confused.

"What if he needed a pause? What if all this relationship and pregnancy stuff were too stressing for him?" I questioned. Alena stared at me in disbelief.

"Athena" she started. "You know that Damian is not such an asshole to run away" she told me as if she lost your mind. "He fucking loves you" he did?

"He never actually said it back" I mumbled, then watched as a tear fell on my hand.

"What?" she asked.

"Damian never actually told me that he loves me" I told my sister, then I wiped my tears away. I needed to stop crying.

"He doesn't need to tell you that he loves you for you to know that he does" Alena snapped, then rolled her eyes. "I'm actually quite pissed that you think so low of him" she said, them took a deep breath. "Dean is waiting for us in the living room" she simply said. I nodded then motioned to her to go.

"I'll come in a few minutes" I told her while sighing in desperation. "I need a shower" I mumbled then simply walked to the bathroom without bothering to take my clothes. I quickly took off my clothes and get into the shower. As soon as I let the water flow on my body, I felt my tears roll down my cheeks.

And that was when I broke down.

My hands went to my belly where I knew our baby was. I wanted to ask our little us where his father was. I wanted to fall on my knees. I wanted to beg God to make him come back already. The ignorance was what was really troubling me.

"Athena" I heard my sister call.

"In there" I mumbled. "I'm getting out soon" I continued.

"We're waiting for you in the living room" Alena said and then I heard her steps fading.

After my shower, I dried myself and walked out of the room. I put my clothes on, not wanting to do anything. I was tired. I just wanted to find my Damian and be able to sleep in his arms again.

The buzzing of my phone pulled my attention. I looked at the screen, a frown slowly made its way to my face. It was a message from a private number. I unlocked my phone and stared at the message.

'Come to this address to find him. Come ALONE.' And just below the text, was an address.

"Alena!" i shouted before running down the stairs. We needed to get to him. When i reached the living room they were staring at me as if i lost my mind. I gave Dean the phone and started pacing around while awaiting their verdict.

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