Chapter 75: Romantic

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I was laying in bed. Alena was already gone. After taking my medicine, I was feeling so much better. Damian was still not home yet. I was nervous. I don't even know how many times I've been going in front of the mirror to look at my body. My phone buzzed next to me. It was Damian.

"Hey" I breathed.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked. I could decipher worry in his tone.

"Yeah, when are you coming home?" I asked.

"I'm already home" he said. What? "I'm waiting for you by the pool" he said before ending the call. Wait what? I got off the bed and quickly walked to the balcony. The balcony gave an overview of the pool and my jaw dropped open at the scene in front of me. Damian was standing by the pool, a rose in his hands. He rose his head to look at me, then motioned me to take the stairs that were linked to the balcony for me to join him. I gulped as I stared at the romantic scene that was being displayed in front of me. Rose petals were floating on the water of the pool. There was a table which has been set. I slowly walked down the stairs, trying to assess the situation.

"What's all this?" I asked slowly while my eyes trailed on my self man who was still in his suit while I was in my short and a top. He smiled and slowly walked to the stairs. Once I reached the bottom he gave me the rose and took my hand in his.

"I was feeling nice today" Damian said with a smile, making me chuckle.

"And how is it related to all this?" I questioned while motioning to the beautifully decorated table.

"I wanted to spend some times with you" he said. I smiled, then stood on my toes to lightly peck his cheek. He smiled, then kissed my forehead. He was in a good mood and i was going to ruin it with the pregnancy announcement. When we reached the table, he helped me with my seat before moving to his. I was even more nervous now. "You look worried" he pointed out.

"I am" I mumbled before taking a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to marry me" he said. Well, I didn't know what to think about that. "Yet" he added with his usual smirk. I chucked at how playful he sounded.

"There must be something going on" I said and watched as the cook walked to us with our plates. Food was far from being important right now. I was too nervous to even think about eating.

"Yeah, there is something I needed to say " Damian said while staring at me seriously now. I took a deep breath. I had to embrace myself for whatever he was going to say. That was Damian that we were talking about. He was always full of surprises.

" Go ahead " I said. But instead of talking, he motioned me to eat." I'm not hungry" I said while offering him a sheepish smile. He scoffed, then shook his head.

"We're not having that talk unless you're eating something" he breathed.

"But I'm seriously not hungry" I exclaimed.

"Athena, you're freaking sick. If you don't freaking eat, you'll get worse" Damian finally snapped. It was then that it occurred to me that I was actually pregnant. If I wanted my baby to be in good health, I needed to feed him.

"Fine" I said in surrender and started eating the delicious spaghetti. We both started eating, talking about casual things. It fascinated me how the man who was sitting in front of me, captured my attention. Or my heart. His hypnotizing gray eyes might a reason while I fell for him. His eyes were like a door straight to his soul.

"What did the doctor say?" he suddenly asked.

"I got a cold" and I'm pregnant. But the last three words were uttered in my mind.

"You took the medicines that the doctor gave you?" he asked. I nodded, obtaining a smile on his face. "Good" he said, making me shake my head. When we were done eating, we both decided to go for a walk in Damian's huge back garden. It was so beautiful at night. When we reached near the pond, we sat on the bench just in front of it. I noticed Damian staring at me. I stared back at him. Observing his perfect self, keeping all the little details craved in my mind in case he rejects us. In case, he rejects me and my baby.

"What?" I asked softly as I took his hand in mine.

"You're so beautiful" he said and kissed my lips softly before pulling away. "This is exactly where my mom and my dad got married" he said suddenly. I smiled at I studied the garden. It was so beautiful and lively. I was relaxed here. No more stressed as hell. I was nervous. Yes. But, I had to accept whatever was going to happen. I needed to tell Damian now. I turned to look at the handsome man sitting next to me.

"I need to tell you something" I said slowly. Surprisingly, he quickly shook his head and motioned me to stop.

"I need to ask you something first" Damian said with a smile on his face. I could see his eyes sparkling.

"It's important, Damian" I urged, but again, he shook his head.

"What I have to say is important too" he said. "You're the woman who had me under her spell on the very first day we met. Everything about you attracts me. You keep on impressing me everyday and that's infuriating and exciting at the same time" he breathed. "I don't know whether it's love or not, but I need you as mine. So, Athena, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, making my eyes go wide. I needed to tell him.

I needed to tell him right now.

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