Chapter 63: Katy Perry

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"Are you ready yet?" I shouted at Rose who was taking all her time. The guys were already waiting for us downstairs and i was in my room, waiting for Rose to give me my red matte lipstick. I stood in front of the mirror. My hair was straightened and i did a light make up. Right now, I just needed my lipstick. I was wearing a long red skirt and a black crop top. I had to wear high heels so that my skirt wouldn't touch the floor. I did a perfectly winged eyeliner with a lot of difficulty.

"Here!" I turned my head to the door to see Rose standing by the door with my lipstick in her hand. I whistled in appreciation at the sight of my best friend. She was wearing a black mid thigh dress which hugged her curves perfectly. She walked to me and gave me the lipstick. I quickly applied it, then noticed that Rose was staring at me. "You're beautiful" she then said with a smile.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"You should be more confident, Athena" Rose said. "You can get any man that you want" she added.

"But the man that I want, doesn't want me" I added while chuckling so that it would ease the atmosphere. But instead, Rose frowned.

"You need to give him time" Rose said. We both know who we were talking about. "He loves you. He just need to find the courage and the will to trust someone again" she said. "He's been hurt before and seeing how much ego he's got, it's pretty normal that he wouldn't want to get hurt again" She explained. I nodded. I already knew about that.

"I told him that I love him" I watched as her eyes widened. "When we were in the sea, I actually admitted that" I said.

"What did he say?" Rose questioned.

"Anything. He didn't say anything" I mumbled before walking to my handbag. "He was about to say something but then I told him that he was not forced to say it back" I said. "Now let's go" I told her as I picked my bag then walked to the door. When we reached down the stairs, I heard the guy's voice in the living room. We walked to them and as soon as I got in, they stopped talking. Isaac whistled, making Damian roll his eyes. I was surprised when I saw Damian walking towards me.

"You look beautiful" He said, making my heart raced and the sparkling feeling in my stomach.

"You don't look bad yourself" I whispered back after staring at him. He was wearing a tight black shirt and a blue jeans. Pretty far from the suit and tie. He smiled. Yeah, the kind of smile which would dazzle anyone.

"Do I really have to go?" Damian moved a little bit so that we could both look at Dean. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Yes Dean, you have to come with us" Rose sighed from behind me. "What's so wrong with coming to the club with us?" she asked.

"What's so wrong with me not coming to the club?" Dean asked back, making Rose huff in annoyance. Isaac shook his head in Dean's direction.

"You're testing her patience" Isaac said.

"And she has none" I added. Rose nodded in agreement and motioned Dean to walk out.

"So move your ass before I break it" Rose ordered. Dean groaned but reluctantly walked to the door with Isaac walking behind him.

"Athena and I are taking my car" Damian said suddenly.

"We are?" I asked in surprise. Rose wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making me roll my eyes. What was Damian planning to do?

"We are" He said. The smirk that was plastered on his face, was scary. When we got out of the house, I smiled to the guards before walking towards the cars. Damian wrapped one of his hands around my waist, pulling me towards his car. I noticed Isaac staring at me from Dean's car. He was sitting in the back seat. He most probably thought that I was coming with them. Well, I thought that too. Damian opened the passenger door for me. I blinked several times before getting in. He closed the door then walked to driver seat. Dean's car was already gone by then.

"What are you planning, Damian?" I asked. He turned to look at me, then he grinned.

"Nothing. I wanted to spend some times with my favourite girl" He said. What happened? Why did he change his behavior that much? Was it because I admitted my feelings? Did he pity me? Damn. Here I go again with the overthinking.

"And how many girls do you have?" I asked when he started driving.

"Only you" He said seriously. I smiled a little bit.

"You're so confusing at times" I said as I leant my head against the window.

"What's so confusing?" He questioned, his eyes still on the road.

"You're hot, then you're cold" I quoted Katy Perry, making him chuckle.

"Katy Perry? Really?" He asked while chuckling.

"You know her?" I asked, quite surprised that he even listen to music. He always seemed so busy.

"Do you think I live in a cave?" He asked in disbelief. I chuckled and quickly shook my head.

"Doesn't seem your type of music" I said. He nodded, then turned his head slightly to look at me.

"Alena usually listened to Katy Perry" Damian explained. I smiled. Yeah, Alena loves Katy Perry.

"Alena is coming to the club as well" I announced and watched as he sighed in relief.

"Dean was starting to annoy me with all his rantings" Damian said. Yeah, true to that. Dean was annoying when Alena was not here. In a few minutes, we reached the club. Damian parked his car next to Dean.

"Let's party now and get drunk" Isaac said cheerily when Damian and I got out of the car.

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