Chapter 39: Withering Rose

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"Damian" I called as I approached the kitchen. I slept pretty well yesterday after the doctor bandaged my wound. Damian took care of me. That was sweet. I was currently walking around Damian's apartment while wearing his black shirt. It reached just below my butt.

"Slept well?" I heard as soon as I stepped in the kitchen. By the counter, sat Rose with a cup in her hands. She looked tired and dark circles were present under her eyes. She was currently wearing a shirt and a sweatpants which seemed to be Damian's. I don't know why but it t somehow bothered me to see her in his clothes. It was immature. I know. Damian stood by the oven, his back turned to us.

"You tell me. You were the one who was dead drunk in the park" I snapped, anger from yesterday slowly raising.

"I heard that someone attacked you" Rise whispered without raising her head to look at me. Instead, she was looking at her cup of coffee. Damian must have told her about the attack.

"Rose. Why were you drunk?" I questioned, trying to ignore the fact that she was trying to avoid the subject. Rose does not usually get drunk without any particular reason. There must have been something.

"I needed to forget" she mumbled while closing her eyes. Something was wrong. I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"What's wrong, Rose?" I asked softly.

"Do you want me to leave for more privacy?" Damian asked from where he was standing.

"No" Rose responded. "Jace didn't appreciate the fact that I strip in front of men" she said with a sigh and gave me a small reassuring smile to show me that she was somehow okay. I knew that she wasn't.

"No one would want their girl to strip in front of men" Damian said as he prepared the breakfast.

"Jace broke up with me" Rose continued after thinking about Damian's words. I hugged her tighter. I didn't know that Jace would act that way. "I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me" Rose said and suddenly sobbed.

"Hey, it's not your fault" I said and gave her a smile. "And I'm still alive" I pointed out as I pulled away. "Apparently, the man was paid to kill me. So basically, he was tracking me" I said. "It's seriously not your fault" I told her. She nodded and wiped away her tears.

"I'm going to take a bath" Rose whispered as she stood up. I nodded and watched as she walked away. She seemed depressed. I didn't know that Jace could be such an asshole. I turned to look at Damian who was already placing a plate in front of me.

"I'm so hungry" I said after licking my lips. The food seemed so delicious.

"That's why I made food" Damian told me while rolling his eyes. I quickly started eating and watched as he ate along. "I need to ask you something" he said, attracting my attention to him rather than this delicious food.

"That's delicious" I commented with wide eyes.

"Thank you"

"What did you have to ask?" I questioned while reaching for my cup of coffee. My eyes were still on him. He was staring at me with a little smile on his face. "Can you stop staring at me like this? It's creeping me out" I admitted. I felt good knowing that he cared for me enough to prepare me breakfast. I liked it when he would stare at me like this.

"Sweetheart, don't tell me what to do" he said in a deep husky voice. I grinned and shrugged. I knew that he hated when I'd order him around. Damian sat straighter and placed his hands in front of him while staring at me seriously. "I need you to move in with me" he said as if it was completely normal. Bad luck for me, I chose this moment to drink and now I'm choking. I put the cup on the table and tried to calm myself. He simply sat there, waiting for me to calm down. I stopped coughing after a few minutes and finally realized his words.

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