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"SO, I WAS thinking we could meet up after school with Mason and head to your place to work on the project," Jules explained as Beck opened her locker. The small blonde glanced down the hall, eyes landing instantly on Drew as he talked to his friends.

Beck had so much fun hanging out with Drew on Sunday. They talked, walked around, and got ice cream. It was so normal, Beck loved it.

Drew looked towards Beck at the same time she looked at him, sending her a smile once his chocolate brown met her light green. Feeling her cheeks heat up, Beck turned back to her locker before glancing up at him again.

"And then I figured we could all go to a tattoo parlor and get matching tattoos," Jules deadpanned, noticing her friend wasn't paying attention to her. "Then I was thinking we could start a cult and offer Mason up as a human sacrifice."

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Beck hummed as she grabbed a random book, not noticing it was the same one she just put in.

"Beck, are you even listening to me?" Jules whined, shoving the blonde's arm.

"Yeah, tattoos, cults, and human sacrifices. Sounds like a normal history project."

Jules hummed, looking Beck up and down. "So, what's going on with you and Mr. Sophomore-Basketball-Player-With-The-Nice-Ass over there?"

Beck's cheek's heated up some more as she glanced down at her ankle boots. "Well..."

"Oh my God, are you two dating?"

"I don't know," Beck smiled as she shook her head, looking at her friend next to her. "Maybe."

"Beck!" Jules squealed as she tossed herself at the unsuspecting blonde, wrapping her arms tightly around her shoulders. "I can't believe it. You have a boyfriend!"

"Jules, hush," Beck shushed, untangling Jules's arms from around her. "Any louder and the whole school will hear you. And besides, he's not my boyfriend. Not officially."

"Yeah, but still, I'm just so happy for you," Jules smiled, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I thought after that whole Jared thing you would join a convent or something."

Shaking her head, Beck grabbed her correct books just as the bell rang.

Sighing, Jules pointed a finger at Beck. "I'll see you later. Meet us at the trophy case, 'kay? Remember, we're heading to your place."

Saluting, Beck turned on her heels to head out to the quad. She needed to walk across the quad to get to her next class.


The small blonde stumbled to a stop at the call, turning to the source of the voice. There was Derek, walking quickly towards her, his usual scowl on his face.

"Beck, come on. It's not safe for you here." Derek ordered once he reached his sister. "I have to get you out of here, let's go."

"What?" Beck gasped with a shake of her head before glancing around. They were the only people outside at the moment. "Derek, I can't leave. I have class."

"Who cares?" Derek growled, grabbing a hold of Beck's arm. "It's not safe for you here. Not with Ethan and Aiden walking around. Not with the alphas wanting to get vengeance on me for Ennis."

"Derek, I'm fine," Beck argued, pulling her arm out of his hand. "I have Scott, Isaac, and Boyd here. Not to mention Stiles, Allison, and Lydia. They're not gonna let anything happen to me."

Grabbing her arm again, Derek began to pull his little sister to the parking lot. "Still, I need to get you out of here. Let's go."

"No Derek, I'm not leaving," Beck snapped, pulling away again.

Golden Dandelions|Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now