26|late-night swim

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BECK WALKED ON the sidelines of the high school's lacrosse field as the lacrosse teams began to warm up. Pulling the collar of her jacket closer, she skimmed over the bleachers to find a place to sit. A small smirk pulled at her lips when she saw two familiar heads clad in leather jackets.

"Hey guys," Beck smiled as she approached Boyd and Erica in the bleachers. "Can I sit with you?"

"Yeah Beck, of course," Boyd smiled back, making room for the small blonde. Erica just offered a scuff and an eye roll. "Remember what Derek said," Boyd whispered to her, earning another scuff.

"So, I don't understand. What's the point of lacrosse?" Beck asked innocently as the game began.

"Cute guys," Erica smirked, checking out the players.

"Well," Boyd hummed, watching the ball being tossed around. "Lacrosse was originally played by Native Americans. But their version was extremely violent and involved ritualistic death and stuff. It also had a lot more players and lasted longer. It only changed extensively when the colonist came."

"So, lacrosse is another thing the colonists took from the Native Americans?"

"Yep," Boyd said, popping the p. "It's pretty simple when you think about it. Points can only be scored when a goal is made."

"So, it's like soccer?" Beck asked as one of the players for Beacon Hills fired a shot. He missed and the other team got the ball, running across the field.

"But attackers and defenders have to stay on their side of the field. Also, players can tackle and hit one another, just as long as the player has the ball." Boyd continued, just as the other team's player was knocked to the side.

"So, football?"

"And they have to catch and toss the ball with the nets."

"So, it's stupid is what you're telling me," Beck concluded, watching a large player run across the field.

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, there are some cute guys on the team," Erica continued to smirk, eyeing the players.

They watched as number nine from Beacon Hills was tossed into the air, before crashing down on the ground. All three visibly cringe at the sound of the player's body hitting the ground.

"Come on! Is that thing even a teenager?" Coach Finstock shouted from the sidelines, gesturing to the large boy who just knocked down number nine. "I wanna see a birth certificate!"

"He looks like an out-of-control alpha," Beck muttered to herself, making both Erica and Boyd tilt their heads to look at her.

Everyone cringed again as the large science experiment knocked over two more players, each hitting the ground hard. Choruses of "Oh"'s echoed through the crowd at each impact.

"I know you said the colonists made it less violent than the original, but is it supposed to be that violent?" Beck asked as she cringed back, obviously uncomfortable with the violence shown on the field.

"No," Boyd answered as Erica cringed.

Soon the paramedics arrived, carrying one of the players on a stretcher.

"That's not good," Beck whispered as the player began to complain about his legs. "That's really not good," she added at the sight of Danny stumbling onto the field, hand clutched to his head as Coach Finstock threw a lacrosse stick at him.

"Where's Stilinski?" Coach Finstock shouted, searching the sidelines. "Where's Stilinski!?"

Beck's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. What happened to Stiles? He was just there.

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