15|there's a risk

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BECK SHIFTED IN the bed, the book on her chest falling off with a thump. Shooting up to a sitting position, Beck gasped in shock. Looking around, the small blonde bent over to pick up her book before feeling a cold breeze on her back.

Beck turned towards the window, knitting her eyebrows together in confusion. She could have sworn the window was shut when she went to bed.

Suddenly, a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling her scream.

"Shh," the owner hissed in her ear. Yanking herself away before falling to the floor, Beck looked up to see Derek standing on the other side of the bed.

"Derek," Beck hissed, placing a hand over her heart as she stood on shaky legs. "What the hell are you doing here? If Sheriff Stilinski catches-"

"Wow," another voice called from the shadows. "Look at you, Rebecca."

"Uncle Peter," Beck gasped as she watched her uncle emerge dramatically from the shadows. Derek took a step back, watching Uncle Peter approach Beck.

Beck's mouth fell open at the sight of Uncle Peter. He looked just like the last time she saw him, before the fire. Just like she remembered him. His burns gone, fully healed.

"Beautiful," Uncle Peter breathed, smiling down at Beck. He stretched his arms out by his sides. "Can I get a hug?"

"You killed Laura!" Beck hissed, snarling at Uncle Peter as she moved around the bed to stand right in front of him.

Uncle Peter glanced down with a shake of his head. "Oh, Rebecca-"

"Beck." Derek and Beck corrected at the same time.

"Right, my apologies. Beck, you should know I didn't mean to kill Laura. I wasn't in my right mind."

"What about the bus driver? Or the video store clerk? Or the high school's janitor? What about those two guys in the woods? Are you gonna claim insanity on those murders too?"

"All I've done was for the members of our family we lost. To get revenge for what they did to us. Starting that fire. Trying to kill us all."

"I don't need to hear your excuses. Scott already told me everything." Beck snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest. "And I just want to say I don't believe you."

"No, what I don't believe is how the daughter of one of the most prominent wolf-born families turns out ordinary?" Uncle Peter said with a shake of his head. Beck took a step back, hugging herself. "That's what I don't believe."

"Peter," Derek warned as he glanced down at his baby sister.

Uncle Peter glanced down at Beck too, noticing the look of shame on her face. "That doesn't mean I'm disappointed in you, no. You're still family." Uncle Peter smiled as he looked over at Derek. "Besides," Uncle Peter mused with a flash of his blood-red eyes. "I can fix that problem."

Beck's eyes widened as Derek took a step forward, standing in front of her. "I told you before, no. It's too big a risk."

Uncle Peter huffed, his eyes returning to normal. "Fine, but we are getting her out of here. Gather your things, little niece, we're taking you home." Uncle Peter turned, directing the last part towards Beck.

Beck's mouth gaped open as she glanced up at Derek. He nodded his head.

But Beck shook her head. "I can't," she whispered. Both Derek and Uncle Peter's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "If I leave, Derek will get in even more trouble with the sheriff." Beck leveled a glare at Uncle Peter. "He is the one being blamed for the murders you committed after all."

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