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THE NEXT DAY, Derek and Beck stood in the shelter of the woods as they watched a group of high school boys play a weird sport.  The crowd of students cheered as a small boy caught the ball only to be knocked down by a much larger boy.  

   "What are we doing here?"  Beck asked as she glanced up at Derek.  

   "Watching him," Derek said simply, his eyes never leaving the small boy, the number eleven visible on his jersey as he ran to avoid his teammates before flipping over three of them, scoring a goal.  

   "Who is he?"  Beck asked just as the coach started yelling at him.  

   "Scott McCall."  

   Beck glanced up at Derek a second time.  "You mean the inhaler you had was his?"  Derek nodded his head as he rubbed at his chin.  "What's so special about him?"  

   Derek continued to rub at his chin.  "He's like me, a werewolf."  

   "You think he's the alpha Laura was after?"  Beck asked in shock.  Scott looked like he could barely take a breath without struggling let alone be an alpha werewolf.  Then again, he was running around with the strength and agility of a werewolf.  

   Derek shook his head.  "No, I don't think he knows what he is.  He must've been bitten recently.  The alpha's probably trying to build his pack."  

   Beck glanced back at Scott as everyone stood to cheer for him.  "Are you going to tell him?"  

   "Maybe," Derek said as he crossed his arms over his chest.  "But I want to keep an eye on him first."  

"WHY AREN'T YOU just going to tell him?"  Beck asked a third time as they entered the clearing of their property

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"WHY AREN'T YOU just going to tell him?"  Beck asked a third time as they entered the clearing of their property.  "The full moon is tonight.  What if he hurts someone?"  

   "Not my problem," Derek grumbled as he stepped onto the porch.  

   "That's wrong Derek!"  Beck snapped stopping in her tracks.  "What would Laura say if she heard you talking like that?  What would Mom say?"  

   "I don't know Beck," Derek snapped as he turned to face her.  "You know why I don't know?  Because they're not here!"  Beck took a step back at Derek's harsh tone.  Derek released a sigh at the upset look on his sister's face.  "Beck, I-"  

   But he didn't get to finish.  Just then a sheriff's car pulled up next to Derek's Camaro.  

   Beck's heartbeat quickened at the sight of the vehicle.  Derek rested a hand on her shoulder as he stepped up next to her.  

   The officer climbed out of his car, making his way to the Hale siblings.  

   "Derek Hale?"  The officer called.  

   "What do you want?"  Derek snapped, watching him.  He didn't need this right now.  He didn't need the sheriff's department sniffing around their business.  He didn't need the sheriff's department worrying Beck.  She was already upset about losing Laura.  She didn't need to worry about him.  

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