37|game night

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"REBECCA, HURRY UP before we're late for the game," Sheriff Stilinski called upstairs as he tugged his jacket on, searching his pockets for his keys.

"Coming," Beck called back as she hopped on one foot, trying to pull on her sneakers.

"Hey, have you seen my-never mind, found them," Sheriff Stilinski called as he snatched his keys off of the counter. He returned them to his pocket when the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" He muttered as he made his way to the front door.

Opening the door, Sheriff Stilinski was met with two men in suits standing in front of him.

"Mr. Stilinski?" The one on the left asked.

"Sheriff," he corrected as he surveyed the two men. "Can I help you, gentlemen?"

"Yes, we're from Child Protective Services," the man on the right answered. "We're here to collect Ms. Rebecca Hale."

"What?" Sheriff Stilinski snapped as he glared at both of the social workers. "I turned in that paperwork, I-"

"And your application is being processed, but in the meantime, Ms. Hale needs to be placed in a licensed foster home," the man on the left explained.

"I'm ready," Beck announced as she jumped down the last three steps. She stopped at the sight of the two strange men standing at the door. Turning to Sheriff Stilinski, Beck shifted uncomfortably on her feet. "What's going on?"

"Ms. Hale, I presume?" The one on the right asked as he took a step inside.

"Yeah, who wants to know?"

"We're with Child Protective Services. We're here to take you to a temporary foster home while Mr. Stilinski's application is being processed." The man on the left explained.

"And how long is that gonna take?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned, taking a step in front of Beck as he crossed his arms across his chest. "How long is she gonna be in this other home?"

"It would be for a while. The process to become an official foster parent takes some time." The man on the right assured before turning to Beck. "If you would come with us, Ms. Hale."

Beck began to shake her head as she took a step back. They can't take her away, not now.

"Guys, can't this wait until the morning?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, glaring at the social workers.

"No, we have to take Ms. Hale immediately," the one on the left declared.

"I-I can't," Beck stuttered, her eyes bouncing between the two men before glancing up at the upset look on Sheriff Stilinski's face. She thought quickly, trying to think of an excuse for her not to leave. "What... what about the game? Stiles? I can't just leave without saying goodbye to him and Scott. And what about Derek? I can't leave..."

"You'll be back before you know it," the man on the right reassured.

"But you just said the process was gonna take a while," Beck pointed out, making the two men share a look as Sheriff Stilinski raised an eyebrow at them.

Sheriff Stilinski released a stressed breath as he continued to glare at the social workers. "How about you wait till after the lacrosse game?" Sheriff Stilinski mediated. Beck stifled a gasp as her eyes snapped up to Sheriff Stilinski. "That way, Rebecca will get a chance to talk with Scott and Stiles before she goes, okay?"

The two men shared a look before nodding. "We're willing to wait," the one on the left said.

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