115|who's next

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OPENING HER LOCKER, Beck placed her textbooks inside with a soft hum. She adjusted the skirt of her dress before grabbing a notebook from the pile of books.

"Hey girl," a smooth voice hummed as it leaned against the locker next to Beck's.

"Josh?" Beck giggled as she looked up at Drew's friend. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just wondering where you've been."

"I've been... here," Beck shrugged as she shut her locker, biting her lip as the familiar feeling of something crawling up her back surfaced. Quickly, Beck glanced around the crowded hallway.

There was a chimera nearby.

Josh nodded as he smirked down at Beck. "Yeah, but I haven't seen you since..."

"The funeral," Beck finished softly as she glanced up at Josh.

"Yeah," Josh said softly before brushing a hand through his hair. "Listen, a bunch of us are going to see a movie next weekend. They're playing that movie that... Drew really wanted to see. You wanna come?"

Beck lowered her head as she thought over the invite. It felt weird to Beck. She hadn't been around Drew's friend since his death, she didn't really see a point. The only common thing they had was Drew.

"I don't know..."

"It's just gonna be me and a couple of the guys," Josh continued, trying to get Beck to agree. "It's gonna be our way of remembering Drew. Of honoring him. It wouldn't be right if his girlfriend wasn't there."

Smiling softly, Beck looked up at Josh. "Text me the info and I'll see you there."

"So, is that a yes?" Josh asked, a smirk growing on his lips as he arched an eyebrow.

Beck giggled as she nodded her head. "Yes, I'll go to the movies with you Josh."

"Cool," Josh smiled, nodding his head. "I'll text you the time. See ya later Beck." He called over his shoulder as he walked away.

Beck watched him pass before turning forward, her light green eyes catching sight of Liam as he stood at the end of the hall. Liam watched Beck, watched an eyebrow arch at him.

He was too late. Beck was moving on to the next relationship. Liam had missed his chance.

THE SUN SHINED brightly as Beck sat next to Mase and Brett, both brainstorming on who in their respective schools could be a chimera as Beck watched Liam practice for the upcoming season

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THE SUN SHINED brightly as Beck sat next to Mase and Brett, both brainstorming on who in their respective schools could be a chimera as Beck watched Liam practice for the upcoming season.

The other night Stilinski had found eight holes dug into the lacrosse field. Which was the reason some of the lacrosse players were practicing on the football field alongside the girls' soccer team.

"Hey, why aren't you out there?" Brett asked, tapping his shoe against Beck's to get her attention.

Scuffing, the small blonde shook her head as she looked at the beta. "I don't do sports. I get enough physical activity running for my life."

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