120|escape plan

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"WHAT I'M ABOUT to show you... isn't supposed to exist," Deaton warned Scott and Stiles as his hands held tightly to an envelope.  Slowly, he opened the envelope, pulling out a stack of Polaroid photos before placing each one on the examination table for the two boys to see.  "This is the only surviving evidence of Dr. Valack's time as Chief Medical Officer of Eichen House," he explained as Scott and Stiles studied each photo.  Each one held the image of a teenage supernatural creature, each with what looked like a hole drilled into their head.  "To call it human experimentation would be... charitable." 

   Scott lifted the photo of a girl clutching her head as she screamed. 

   "A banshee," Deaton explained, answering Scott's silent question.  "She died screaming." 

   "So, he drilled holes into their heads?"  Stiles asked cautiously, eyeing the photos as he noticed the pattern.  "All of them?" 

   "That was the experimentation part," Deaton said, still placing pictures on the table.  "He did it to werewolves, banshees, wendigos, any creature he could get his hands on." 

   "What about witches?"  Scott asked as he looked through the photos.  None resembled a witch. 

   "As far as I know, Valack hasn't been able to get his hands on one," Deaton hummed with a shake of his head. 

   "Luka," Stiles muttered as he shared a look with Scott, both realizing the warlock was at the mercy of Dr. Valack.  "Beck's older brother, he's in Eichen House right now." 

   "Does anyone at Eichen House know that Luka's a warlock?"  Deaton asked, slight urgency in his voice. 

   "Not that we know of," Scott said, shaking his head.  "Last time Beck visited him he wasn't in the closed unit.  But she said that was weeks ago.  She also said that she had a weird dream like he was calling out to her for help.  But she doesn't know from what." 

   "Well, let's just assume that Luka, like Lydia, is in danger.  You see, Valack found that trepanation would initially heighten supernatural creatures' powers, but to levels that couldn't be contained." 

   "So, he wants to make them more powerful," Scott guessed. 

   "Yeah, except they're gonna end up like them," Stiles said, gesturing down to the table covered in horrible Polaroid photos.  Each one made him sick. 

   "Worse, actually," Deaton corrected before explaining at the confused and concerned looks he received.  "I'm correct to assume Luka hasn't received any formal training of his powers?" 

   "Not since he was a kid." 

   "Then his powers are most likely uncontrolled and volatile, especially at his age.  But I'm not too sure what the procedure would do to him.  And Lydia's abilities were already pretty exceptional to begin with.  Putting a hole in her head... will be like causing a leak in a nuclear reactor.  She'll hear everything.  Every death, every dying scream, all at once." 

   "That's gonna kill her," Scott stated in shock. 

   "Not only that... her own dying scream could be so powerful that it might kill everyone around her as well." 

   Stiles looked down, picking up one of the Polaroid photos.  The one of the banshee as she screamed to death.  All he could think, that could be Lydia. 


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