34|cheers to spiked drinks

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"DID YOU GET a big enough present?" Beck asked sarcastically as Stiles struggled to carry his gift to the front door. The box alone could fit him inside. Beck was lucky she fit in the jeep with that monstrosity in the back.

Glancing around, Beck noticed the lack of people and noise. "You said Lydia throws the best parties in Beacon Hills. Why does this place look dead?"

Stiles released a hum as he glanced around too, before shifting the present in his hands to ring the doorbell.

Lydia opened the door, her eyes widening at the gift in front of her.

"Happy Birthday!" Stiles cried cheerfully, lowering the present to show his face. Lydia stepped back, still shocked at the present. "Comin' in." Stiles stepped forward, but the box was too big. "Oh, whoa. Hang on. Hang on. You know what... could you just, grab that side, maybe?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, slowly twirling around and walked away. "Don't forget to try the punch," she called over her shoulder.

Stiles shouldered into the gift, shoving it through the door before knocking it in, falling on his face in the process.

"Idiot," Beck muttered to herself as she stepped over his body, following Lydia to the kitchen.

Lydia stood over a punch bowl, stirring the contents with a calm look on her face as she worked.

"Hey Lydia, happy birthday," Beck said as she stepped up to the strawberry blonde. Lydia gave an unnoticeable shake of her head before focusing down on Beck. "Need any help?"

Lydia flashed Beck a grateful smile. "Thank you..."


Lydia smiled again, moving her eyes up and down the small blonde next to her. "Beck." Her eyes continued searching the younger girl, finally landing on her chest. "I like your top," Lydia gestured to it. "It's a little dated, but you make it work."

"Thanks, it was my sisters," Beck smiled, glancing down at the article of clothing. Technically, the whole outfit was Laura's, from when she was younger. Hand-me-downs.

Lydia smiled again. Turning, the strawberry blonde grabbed a tray of drinks before handing it to Beck. "Could you take these out to the table on the patio for me? And don't forget to try one." Beck nodded, walking carefully so the drinks wouldn't spill as she made her way outside.

Finding the table in question, Beck began placing the drinks with the rest. Glancing around, Beck found that compared to the number of drinks Lydia had set out, no one was there.

Turning, Beck was met with Scott and Stiles as they exited the house. Stiles was telling Scott about his latest discovery, how Jackson's master was killing members of the 2006 swim team.

That's when Allison approached and made everything awkward.

From what Beck could tell, Scott and Allison were fighting. Apparently, on the night of the rave, Allison was there with some other guy. She had also told Argent and Gerard everything she knew about Jackson being the kanima, which explained why they were also at the rave.

"Uh, Jackson's not here," Allison informed awkwardly, trying not to meet Scott's eye.

"Yeah, no one's here," Beck commented, taking another glance around the patio. Still empty.

"Maybe it's just early," Scott suggested hopefully, also trying not to meet Allison's eye.

"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wackjob," Stiles murmured.

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