58|long night, even longer day

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BECK YAWNED AS she opened her locker. She was beyond tired. Too much happened last night.

Luckily, Melissa wasn't the next sacrifice victim to everyone's great relief. But there was a third person they knew would be taken.

The nurse was a little surprised when the small blonde walked into her kitchen that morning, wearing the same clothes from the night before. Taking pity on the girl, Melissa lent her a top and a pair of sneakers to wear to school. Now all Beck needed was a jacket to cover her arms.

Reaching into her locker, Beck pulled out the hoodie that Scott had found at Lydia's party. The small blonde had kept it, knowing the original owner wouldn't want it back with blood splatter on it. Even after Beck had washed it almost ten times, she could still see where Scott's blood had tinted the fabric.

And the pleasant smell of cologne was gone.

"Hey," Drew said as he leaned against the locker next to Beck's. Beck smiled up at him, but he wasn't looking at her. Instead, his eyebrows were knitted together as he studied the hoodie the small blonde was pulling on. "Where'd you get that?"

"My friend found it at a party we were at," Beck explained as she glanced down at the hoodie. "He gave it to me to wear because I was... cold. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that I had a hoodie just like that that I lost," Drew explained, wagging a finger at the hoodie.

"Where'd you lose it?"

"I think I left it at Lydia Martin's birthday party," Drew answered. Beck paused, eyes widening as she looked up at Drew. Noticing her look, Drew's eyebrows knitted together. "What?"

"Lydia's party is where my friend found this hoodie," Beck explained, making a smile break out across Drew's face. Pulling off the hoodie, Beck looked up at the tall raven-haired boy in front of her. "You want it back?"

Shaking his head, Drew held up his hands. "No, you wear it. It looks better on you anyway."

Beck smiled at this, pulling the hoodie back on before turning back to her locker. Sneaking a glance at Drew, the small blonde noticed he looked slightly upset. "Hey, you okay?"

"What... oh yeah, it's just..." Releasing a breath, Drew ran a hand through his dark hair. "I'm failing Spanish. And Coach just told me that if I don't pass then I'm off the basketball team this season."

"¿Cómo puedes fallar en español?" (How can you be failing Spanish?) Beck asked in perfect Spanish with a raised eyebrow. "Es un idioma muy sencillo de aprender." (It's a very simple language to learn.)

Drew's mouth fell open as he stared down at Beck. Shaking away his shock, he stepped closer to Beck as he began talking in a rush. "Was that Spanish? That sounded like Spanish. How do you know Spanish?"

"Mi familia." (My family.) Beck answered with a sad smile before returning to her locker. "Tenemos amigos de la familia que viven en México y Sudamérica." (We have family friends that live in Mexico and South America.) At Drew's confused look, Beck tilted her head. "You really are failing Spanish, aren't you?"

"Well since you're such an expert in Spanish, why don't you tutor me?" Drew asked smugly, arms crossed over his chest.

"Excuse me?"

"Tutor me in Spanish," Drew explained with a smile before pouting. "Please Beck, I can't be kicked off the team. And..." Drew smirked as he leaned closer to the small blonde. "It would give us some time to be alone."

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