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BECK SAT IN between Scott and Lydia as her foot tapped anxiously against the tiled hallway of the hospital. They were waiting for word on Stiles.

Agent McCall and Melissa had found Stiles in Malia's coyote den. He was alive, uninjured, but cold.

Slowly, Stilinski walked towards the group gathered. Scott, Lydia, Beck, Agent McCall, and Melissa. Everyone turned towards Stilinski when they noticed his approach.

"He's sleeping now. And he's just fine." Stilinski announced. Everyone released a sigh of relief, Beck resting a hand on her heart. "He doesn't remember much," Stilinski continued. "It's all been like a dream to him." Stilinski then turned to Agent McCall. "Thank you."

"It was that repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out," Agent McCall explained. "I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. It's just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone."

"No, it was more than that. Thank you."

"It was a lucky connection," Agent McCall argued nonchalantly.

"McCall, can you shut up please, and accept my sincerest gratitude?" Stilinski snapped.

Agent McCall's eyes darted up and down Stilinski before he released a breath. "Accepted," he said, extending a hand towards Stilinski. Both men shook hands.

"Alright, you three," Melissa said, turning to the three teenagers standing next to her. "You've got school in less than six hours. Go home. Go to sleep."

"Okay," Scott nodded before hugging his mother goodbye. Turning, Scott and Lydia began to walk down the hall before noticing the small blonde wasn't following. "Beck?" Scott called softly as he and Lydia turned around.

Beck hung her head, her blonde hair falling around her face as she hugged herself. Slowly, she shook her head. "I'm not leaving. I'm staying here with Stiles."

"Beck, sweetheart," Melissa muttered, resting a hand on the small blonde's back. "It's been a long night and you need to rest. Scott will give you a ride home."

"No!" Beck snapped, head snapping up to look at the nurse. Suddenly, the lights flickered, grabbing the attention of Scott, Lydia, Melissa, and Stilinski. "I told you the other day, I'm not leaving him. I'm staying here."

"Beck..." Scott said cautiously, stepping closer to the small blonde as the lights continued to flicker.

"I said I'm staying here!" Beck snapped, throwing Scott a glare as one of the lightbulbs above them popped.

Sending a glare to everyone else, Beck began to stomp down the hall to find Stiles's room.

They watched her leave before Stilinski turned to Scott, gesturing for the dark-haired boy to come talk to him. Taking a couple of steps away from the rest of the group, Stilinski turned to Scott. "You gonna tell me what that was about?"

Scott sighed, glancing over his shoulder before turning back to his best friend's dad. "Beck's been a little... emotional lately."

"Well, you could've fooled me."

"It's because of Drew breaking up with her," Scott continued.

"Drew? Who's Drew?" Stilinski questioned, head raised as he looked at Scott. Since when did Beck have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?

"This guy at school Beck was talking to. They started dating about a month ago but Drew broke up with her because she didn't... tell him certain stuff... about herself."

Golden Dandelions|Teen WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang