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MELISSA RELEASED A sigh as she entered a hospital room. Beck's hospital room. The small blonde had been unconscious for almost three days. Her body was slowly healing from the injuries she received from the bombing.

She was gonna live, thank God, but the small blonde had already missed so much. Stiles had admitted himself into Eichen House before vanishing from the compound. Stilinski was on his way back from a medical facility in L.A. trying to find something to help Stiles. Derek and Argent were still under arrest. And Scott and the pack were trying to help find a way to save Stiles.

Grabbing Beck's chart, Melissa looked over her readings before making some notes. She placed the charts on the table, moving to Beck's bedside.

Beck laid as still as a statue, the only movement the rise and fall of her chest. A long sleeve shirt was on under her hospital gown, protecting the young witch from skin-to-skin contact with the other medical staff. Melissa was able to slip it on the blonde after she was rushed to the hospital.

Melissa ran a hand over Beck's hair before adjusting the blankets covering the witch, being careful not to disturb her. She made sure the machines next to her were working and the I.V. was full before glancing back down at the younger girl.

Suddenly, Beck released a groan as she slowly moved her head to the side. Melissa paused at the motion, watching wide-eyed as Beck moved her head to the other side with another groan, her eyes slowly starting to flutter.

"Beck?" Melissa whispered as the small blonde's eyes finally opened, slowly looking around the hospital room before widening in confusion.

Gasping, Beck struggled to sit up, head whipping around in confusion.

"Hey, hey, baby, it's okay," Melissa shushed as she grabbed the younger girl's shoulders. Gently, Melissa tried to keep Beck laying down as she calmed her. "Baby, it's me. It's Melissa. It's okay. You're okay." Beck focused her light green eyes up at Melissa as she began to calm down, relaxing back into the mattress of the hospital bed. "That's it, just relax sweetheart. You're okay."

"What..." Beck croaked, glancing around before focusing back on the nurse. The small blonde twitched her nose at the cannula tube inserted there.

"You're in the hospital," Melissa explained as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Pulling out a small flashlight, the nurse flashed the light into Beck's eyes, making the young girl flinch as she checked her eyes. "Sweetheart, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Umm..." Beck hummed as she thought back once Melissa put away the light. "The... the sheriff station... Derek... and Argent... Tessa."

"That's right, you were at the sheriff's station. Derek and Argent were arrested." Melissa nodded, grabbing Beck's charts again. "You and your friend Tessa were with them. What else do you remember?"

Beck closed her eyes, focusing on her memory as she thought back. She remembered being in the breakroom with Tessa as they tried to figure out why the nogitsune was framing Derek and Argent for murder. Suddenly the deputies started to panic. She went to investigate when...

"Bomb," Beck gasped as her eyes flew open. Quickly sitting up, Beck turned to Melissa. "Bomb! There was..."

Melissa grabbed Beck's shoulders again, hushing the girl as she tried to return her to laying in the bed. "Yes, there was a bombing at the station."


"Derek is fine, as are Argent and Tessa. They're all fine, sweetheart." Melissa hummed, running a hand through Beck's blonde hair. "You were knocked into a wall and sustained an injury to your abdomen. Argent applied first aid with Tessa's help before you were rushed here. The doctor was able to patch you up, five stitches in total with no serious internal injury. But you were one of the lucky ones."

"Someone died?" Beck whispered.

Melissa slowly nodded, a sad smile on her face. "A lot of people died."

"Why?" Beck whispered, tears building in her eyes.

Biting her lip, Melissa turned away before looking back at Beck. "It was that thing in Stiles."

"The nogitsune," Beck hissed. Melissa nodded, brushing some blonde hair back. But Beck shook her head. "Why did I survive?" The witch hissed, a tear escaping down her cheek.

"Beck," Melissa gasped, moving closer to the small blonde as she began to cry. Reaching up, Melissa cupped Beck's cheek as she wiped her escaping tears. "You survived because you're a fighter," Melissa whispered. "You survived because you're incredibly strong, stronger than anyone I know. You survived because you have people who care about you and love you."

"But those people that died had loved ones too, and now they're gone," Beck murmured. "Why does there have to be so much death?"

"I don't know baby," Melissa whispered with a tilt of her head. "That's just the way life is."

"I hate it."

"I do too," Melissa agreed as she stood. "I'm gonna call Scott and the Sheriff, let them know you're awake. You should relax, okay? I'll be back in a couple of minutes with something to eat."

Beck nodded her head, tears still falling down her face.

Melissa reached forward, wiping one away before resting a hand on top of Beck's head. "Everything's gonna be okay, sweetheart." Standing, Melissa looked over her shoulder as she walked to the door. "I'll be back."

Beck nodded slowly as Melissa left.

The nogitsune had bombed the station. It had killed people, injured others. But why? To cause chaos? Just to make people hurt? It didn't make sense to Beck.

Was all this just a game to the nogitsune? If it was, then it was an extremely sick game.

One that Beck didn't want to involve Stiles. If Stiles were conscious through all this, Beck knew he would feel beyond guilty for everything the nogitsune was doing in his body. All the pain and death and chaos.

They had to do something. They had to help Stiles. No matter what.

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