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BRAEDEN KICKED HER feet up on the coffee table, watching Uncle Peter, Derek, and Beck as they sat across from her on the couch. Beck vaguely remembered Braeden from the first day of school. She was the girl that was looking for Scott and had left a weird mark on Allison and Lydia's wrists. Apparently, she was also the girl who had saved Isaac from the alpha pack.

Now the female bounty hunter had three claw marks across her throat and was being hired by the Hale family to find Kate.

Uncle Peter gave her an unimpressed look as he eyed her boots. "That table's Italian." As Derek stared at his reflection in his aviator glasses, Beck rolled her eyes.

"So are these boots," Braeden smirked, admiring her boots as Beck released a snort and Derek smirked slightly to himself. "Are we gonna talk interior design and fashion or... are we gonna talk numbers?"

Sighing, Uncle Peter started writing down a number on a slip of paper. The amount of money he was willing to pay Braeden to find Kate. Once finished, Uncle Peter slid the paper across the table towards Braeden who looked at the number in amusement before she crossed it out and wrote her own number down.

Beck leaned forward, perching her chin on her hand as she watched the interaction like a tennis match. Derek didn't even take notice, too engrossed in staring at his reflection.

Once the paper was returned to Uncle Peter, he released a scuff at the number. "We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president."

"I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate, you're hiring me to find her first," Braeden clarified. "Going against the Calaveras is what's gonna cost you."

Uncle Peter wrote down another number and slid the paper, but Braeden didn't even look at the number before sliding it back. She wasn't gonna budge. Releasing a sigh, Uncle Peter quickly stood, walking away from the bounty hunter in agitation.

That was when Derek finally decided to move, grabbing the paper before ripping it up. "We'll pay. Just find Kate, that's all we want." Derek said, agreeing to Braeden's terms while earning a glare from Uncle Peter.

Smirking, Braeden stood before turning to Beck. "Good to see you again, Little Witch," Braeden said with a wink toward the small blonde before leaving.

Once she left the loft, Uncle Peter slammed the door shut. "Are you insane?" He snapped at Derek as the siblings stood and moved around the loft.

"We didn't have a choice," Derek explained as he turned to look out the window. Beck moved around the living area, grabbing her things for school. "We spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing."

"If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back," Uncle Peter snapped, ignoring his niece and nephew as they shared a look. They've been hearing this monolog for the past week. And it was getting very annoying. "What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!"

Uncle Peter grabbed Derek's shoulder, trying to force Derek to look at him. In response, Derek spun around as he grabbed his uncle's wrist, releasing a growl as he flashed his eyes.

Derek's now golden yellow eyes. The real reason he was so desperate to find Kate. To find out how and why his eyes had changed, something that was virtually impossible to do. Not electric blue back to golden yellow.

"Oh, that's a new look for you," Uncle Peter said as he squinted his eyes at Derek. "What happened to your eyes?"

"I don't know," Derek said, glancing over toward Beck as she watched them interact. Turning back to their uncle, Derek continued. "But I'm willing to pay to find out."

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