98|burn baby burn

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THE CROWD OF half-drunk students gave a loud cheer as someone lit the cyclone-shaped bonfire.  It was the start of season bonfire for the lacrosse team.  The whole student body had arrived to celebrate the start of lacrosse season, listen to music, dance, and get drunk on school property. 

   And the school faculty were okay with it.  They even hired a DJ and security to watch the drunk teenagers. 

   Beck watched the bonfire burning.  It was horribly similar to the one she saw in her vision.  Add in the dancing bodies and it was almost exact.  Something was gonna happen here. 

   Pulling Drew's letterman jacket close around her body, Beck glanced around in search of Scott.  She had to tell a responsible person.  But sadly, she was stuck with telling Scott. 

   Turning to wander around in search of the werewolf, a body suddenly tackled Beck into a hug. 

   "You made it!"  Mase shouted over the music, moving to stand in front of the surprised blonde.  "I figured you weren't coming when you didn't show up for class today." 

   "Uhm... yeah, I wasn't feeling coming to school," Beck muttered with a shrug.  "But I wouldn't have missed this," she quickly added, gesturing around at the partying teens.  "Drunk teens with hormones.  Fun." 

   "Well, you look hot," Mase complimented, looking Beck up and down.  "And I'm saying that in the gay best friend way, not the straight creep way." 

   "Good, I was starting to worry you had switched teams on me.  Then who would be my gay best friend." 

   The dark-skinned boy laughed, shaking his head.  "But no, I'm glad you came.  You can help me get Liam to let loose."  Sighing, Mase looked at Beck.  "You know what's going on with him?" 

   Quickly Beck shook her head, making Mase sigh again.  They weren't telling him something.  He didn't like it.  They were supposed to be friends, friends tell each other everything.  Friends don't lie. 

   "Is Tessa coming?" 

   "She's grounded," Beck answered, giving a glance around. 


   "Still," Beck corrected with a chuckle.  Mase's mouth fell open as he tilted his head.  "Yeah, Tessa's week-long grounding had turned into a month.  She kept sneaking out.  I wouldn't be surprised if she had snuck out tonight, to be honest." 

   "Well, I'm surprised Dahlia hasn't locked her in the basement at this point," Mase said, shaking his head as Beck laughed.  "Hey, I'm gonna get us something to drink.  Could you keep an eye out for Liam, I told him to meet me?" 

   "Yeah, of course," Beck nodded as Mase started to back away.  "Get me a water." 

   "Wow, you're really planning on partying hard," Mase chuckled. 

   Scuffing, Beck shook her head at her friend before glancing around again.  Maybe she should just wait a little before finding Scott.  Maybe something horribly bad won't happen.  Maybe. 

   Noticing a familiar freshman in a lacrosse jersey, Beck began to wave him over.  "Liam, over here!" 

   "Hey," Liam smiled softly, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.  "You made it." 

   "I made it," Beck smiled, eyes searching Liam's face.  Something wasn't right with the beta.  "You ready?" 

   "Ready?  Ready for what?"  Liam panicked, eyes wide as he looked down at Beck in shock. 

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