14|meet Miguel

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BECK SAT AT the kitchen table finishing her homework as Stiles ran in and up the stairs. She couldn't understand why she had to sit at the table and work while Stiles got the luxury of doing his homework in his room. It wasn't fair.

"Hey, all done?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as Beck began packing up her work. She gave him a nod as she slung her bag over her shoulder, following him up the stairs. "Good. Hey, Stiles!"

Beck moved to the guest room as Stiles called back. "Yo, D-Derek..." Beck paused and turned as Stiles appeared at his door, closing it behind him.

"What did you say?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as Stiles tried to act nonchalant. Beck approached the two, arms crossed over her chest.

"What? I said 'Yo D-Dad.'" Beck raised her eyebrow as Stiles gave off a shrug.

"Listen, I've got something I've got to take care of," Sheriff Stilinski said as he gestured to Stiles. "But uh... I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game." He said proudly.

"My first game," Stiles rambled awkwardly. "Gosh, great. Awesome. Uh... good."

"I'm very happy for you," Sheriff Stilinski continued with a smile. "And I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," Stiles rambled, nodding his head as Beck rolled her eyes. "Me, too. I'm happy and proud of myself."

"So, they're gonna let you play, right?" Sheriff Stilinski asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, Dad," Stiles said with an awkward smile. "I'm first line. You bet."

Sheriff Stilinski chuckled with a wide smile. "I'm very proud."

"Oh, me too," Stiles continued with a shrug. "Again... I'm-" But Stiles was interrupted as Sheriff Stilinski stepped forward and pulled Stiles into a hug, making Beck glance away.

Over the past week, Beck had watched the two show affection for each other which made Beck miss her family desperately.

"Oh. Huggie... huggie, huggie." Stiles muttered awkwardly as they separated.

The two watched each other for a moment before Sheriff Stilinski stepped away with a wave. "See you two there."

"Take it easy," Stiles called back before glancing down at Beck. The small blonde watched Stiles with a raised eyebrow, her arms crossed over her chest. "What?" Beck tilted her head, still watching Stiles as she jutted her hip out to the side. Stiles released a breath as he cracked his door open. "Fine, get in."

Beck smiled to herself as she entered Stiles's room.

At the sight of Derek hiding behind the door, the girl threw her bag to the ground and ran into his open arms. But the reunion was short-lived as Derek shoved Beck behind him and stalked towards Stiles.

Beck sucked in a breath as Derek shoved Stiles against the door, pointing a threatening finger in his face. "If you say one word-"

"What, you mean like 'Hey Dad, Derek Hale's in my room and he's trying to take Beck. Bring your gun'?" Stiles quipped back, making Derek stand down. He glanced down at his baby sister as she glared up at Stiles. "Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, it's my house, my rules buddy."

Derek nodded his head in understanding, taking a step back. He adjusted Stiles's jacket making Stiles do the same to his. But as Stiles went to move past him, Derek took an aggressive step forward, making Stiles flinch.

"Oh my God," Stiles gasped as he cowered away from Derek.

Beck released a giggle as she stepped closer to her brother, wrapping her arms around his waist. Derek rested a hand on the top of her head and another on her shoulder, looking down at her. He focused back up on Stiles as he sat in his desk chair. "Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asked.

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