85|he's sixteen!

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TESSA LEANED AGAINST the wall of lockers, iced coffee in hand as her eyes drooped shut slowly.

"Hey," Beck smiled as she stopped in front of her friend, making the werewolf flinch up. The small blonde giggled as her friend's wide eyes glanced around quickly before realizing where she was, sighing through her nose.

"Fuck, I was hoping I was dreaming," Tessa grumbled, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Rough night?" Beck asked in fake concern, knowing full well that her friend had been in Mexico for the last twenty-four hours.

Shrugging, Tessa pushed off of the lockers to walk with Beck. "For the most part, I slept in the jeep going and coming. It was only when I got home that shit hit the fan. Dahlia was still up and gave me an ear full for being gone and coming home at one in the morning. So, we argued for about two hours before I left." Tessa shook her cup before taking another sip, her nose scrunching up in disgust. "God, no one knows how to make a decent iced coffee in this town. When are we getting a Starbucks?"

"When people stop dying."

"So never?" Tessa hummed before taking another sip.

"If you hate it so much, why do you keep drinking it?" Beck giggled as the pair stopped in the hall.

"Because I need the caffeine to live," Tessa deadpanned, looking at her friend. Instantly, Tessa could tell that her friend was in a good mood. "So, what did you do while we were dealing with Mexican werewolf hunters?"

Beck's smile brightened as she rocked on her feet. "Me and Drew hung out."

"Oh my God, did you two have sex?"

"What, no!" Beck exclaimed, shaking her head. "We just spent time together. I helped him with his Spanish and we kissed a couple of times. But before he left, he told me he loved me." Beck gushed as her cheeks brightened.

"Nice," Tessa hummed as she sipped her coffee.

Scuffing, Beck shook her head. "You know if I had told Jules that, she would have started freaking out and squealing."

Tessa arched an eyebrow as she looked over at Beck. "Do you want me to squeal?"

Beck continued to shake her head with a chuckle. Glancing down the hall, Beck noticed Mase standing and talking animatedly with Liam, Garrett, and Violet.

"It feels weird," Beck muttered as she watched the group burst out laughing. "Seeing Mase hanging out with other people more than us. I know I sound jealous, it's just..."

"You can't blame him," Tessa said, shrugging her shoulders as she watched the group with Beck. "We were kinda hanging out with him and Jules less and less. Yeah, it's not our fault, but they didn't know that. And like I said, once Jules left, Mason began to get lonely. So of course, he was gonna find new friends."

"But now I feel like he abandoned us," Beck muttered as she turned to Tessa.

Tessa lifted her hand, resting it on Beck's shoulder. "Knowing Mason, he's not. Give it time, he'll start bugging us like he used to." Tessa said reassuringly, making Beck laugh as Liam rushed to join the pair.

"Hey guys," the blue-eyed boy greeted as he looked towards Beck.

"Hi Liam," Beck smiled as Tessa nodded her head in greeting, sipping more of her iced coffee.

"Beck, I was hoping I could borrow your notes from history. I sorta zoned out and missed most of Mr. Yukimura's lecture." Liam asked hesitantly as he shifted on his feet.

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