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"SO, WHAT AM I doing here again?"  Liam asked as he followed Beck onto the lacrosse field.  "You do know it's Saturday?  I had plans of doing absolutely nothing while watching Netflix.  Maybe play some video games."

   "I just figured you would wanna train while our lives aren't in danger," Beck scuffed as she turned to face Liam.  "You know, work on your werewolf control." 

   "With lacrosse?"  Liam asked, arching an eyebrow as he gestured to his lacrosse bag thrown over his shoulder.  "And aren't our lives always in danger?  Remember, the Deadpool?  Assassins trying to kill us to collect money?" 

   "Okay, what I mean is someone's not trying to kill us at the moment.  And yes, with lacrosse." 

   Liam tilted his head at Beck, watching as she placed her bag down on the bench.  "What are you gonna do, throw lacrosse balls at me?" 

   Beck burst out laughing, shaking her head as Liam gave her a puzzled look.  "I'm sorry," Beck breathed, covering her mouth before speaking again.  "It's just... that was Stiles's plan last year to help Scott.  We threw lacrosse balls at him while his hands were duct-taped behind his back.  It was hilarious, I just got a flashback of it."  Taking a deep breath, Beck turned back to Liam.  "But no, I'm not throwing lacrosse balls at you." 

   "Then what are we doing?" 

   Smirking, Beck lifted an extra lacrosse stick she swiped from the locker room.  "We're playing lacrosse."  At Liam's tilted head, the small blonde released a sigh.  "We need to work on your aggression.  I know lacrosse is an aggressive sport, but if we can control how aggressive you get on the field, then it will help work on your control when you start to feel the pull." 

   "The pull?" 

   "The sudden desire to rip, claw, and maim anything and everything within a five-inch vicinity.  The pull of turning into your werewolf form." 

   "And we're supposed to accomplish this through playing lacrosse?" 

   "It's either that or me throwing lacrosse balls at your head.  Take your pick."

   Liam scuffed before pulling his stick from his bag.  "Do you even know how to play lacrosse?"  He asked as Beck grabbed a ball, both moving to the center of the field. 

   "Nope," Beck smiled, popping the p.  "So go easy on me."  Placing the ball in her net, the small blonde glared over at Liam.  "Now, try and get the ball." 

   Immediately, Beck took off toward the goal.  Caught off guard, Liam turned to sprint after the young witch.  Beck bobbed and weaved across the field, trying to shake Liam who was right behind her.  Reaching the goal, Beck swung the stick, shooting the ball into the goal. 

   "Yes!"  Beck cheered, bouncing on her feet as her blonde ponytail bounced with her.  Moving to the goal, Beck grabbed the ball again.  She then turned to Liam, giving him a smirk.  "Witches, one.  Werewolves, zero." 

   Liam looked at Beck in disbelief.  "That's not fair, I wasn't ready." 

   "Doesn't matter, you could lose control at any minute," Beck scuffed, poking Liam's chest with the end of her stick.  "Besides, you're a werewolf, you should be able to catch a fifteen-year-old girl that only runs when she's being chased.  And we both know you can go faster than that, Mase told me you've been skipping the bus to run to school." 


   "So, you could have caught me and gotten the ball." 

   "But what if I hurt you?"  Liam muttered, looking down to the ground. 

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