36|therapy session

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"SO, REBECCA, WHAT do you want to talk about first?" Ms. Morrell asked as she leveled a stare at the small blonde in front of her.

It's only been a couple of days since everything that happened at the station. Spring break was over and everyone was back in school. Sheriff Stilinski got his job back, but the station was trashed, and they had to hire some new deputies. Matt was found dead in a nearby lake. He drowned.

They don't know what happened to Jackson, whether he had a new master or if he was freelancing, or even if he was still the kanima. Beck hadn't heard from Derek since he ran after Jackson. And everything was tense between Scott and Melissa.

On top of all that, Sheriff Stilinski insisted that Stiles and Beck talked to a counselor, afraid they were both traumatized from what happened. Since the middle school didn't offer a school counselor, Beck had to go see the high school's, Ms. Morrell. Stiles had just finished with his session, now it was Beck's turn.

Beck tugged on the hem of her shirt as she stared at a strange spot on the carpet.

Ms. Morrell raised an eyebrow at the blonde's silence. "You can't think of anything you want to talk about? Anything at all?"

Beck shrugged, still studying the carpet. "I don't know what to say, this is my first therapy session," she muttered, pulling at a loose string.

"Really? Not even after the fire?" Beck stiffened as Ms. Morrell prodded.

"We left. I never saw what happened."

"You and who else?"

"Me and Derek," Beck responded before adding, "And Laura."

Ms. Morrell released a hum as she shifted in her seat. "Tell me about it. What was living with your brother and sister like after the fire?"

"Hard," Beck murmured after a pause. "We lost everyone and everything in that fire, except each other. We tried to stay together in the beginning, for my sake. But it was... hard. We traveled around a lot. After a couple of months Laura split, said she needed to figure stuff out. So, it was just Derek and me for a while until Laura returned. She would always come and go. But now she's gone, forever. So, it's just me and Derek."

"Your close to him, your brother?"

"You would be too if you had a brother," Beck grumbled as she glared up at Ms. Morrell, leaning back in her seat.

"I do have a brother, actually," Ms. Morrell explained matter of factly. "But I wanna know about you and Derek's relationship."

Beck released a huff as she shifted in her seat. "He's always been there for me, even before the fire. He would always watch me, play with me, talk to me, protected me. He raised me when we were on our own. Everything siblings are supposed to be, Derek was for me, and more." Beck smiled to herself as her eyes moved down to her hands.

Ms. Morrell nodded her head as she observed the small blonde in front of her. "You miss him," Ms. Morrell pointed out.

"Of course I miss him," Beck snapped. "He's my brother. He's the only family I have left. He stayed with me when Laura ditched. Even when he would leave, he always came back."

"Until he didn't," Ms. Morrell pointed out again.

Beck shook her head, crossing her arms across her chest. "He still came back."

"But it must be hard, knowing he's there but you're not allowed to be with him?" Ms. Morrell asked with a tilt of her head. Beck glared down to the spot on the carpet, ignoring the question. Ms. Morrell hummed. "Okay, I get it, touchy subject. Let's move on. Before, you mentioned that Derek would leave, do you know why?"

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