33|trunk of memories

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THE LID OPENED with a creak as Derek clicked open the last of the trunks. Both trunks were dug up from the remains of the Hale House. Both trunks were filled to the brim with chains, collars, and harnesses. Both trunks brought a fond smile to Beck's face as she reminisced over the memories surrounding those two trunks.

"Ah, memories," Beck hummed as she leaned against the support beam behind Derek, watching as he let the lid fall to the ground with a thunk.

"What is that?" Isaac asked as he noticed the triskelion painted on the inside of the lid. He bent over, rubbing his fingers against the symbol.

"It's a triskelion." Beck and Boyd said at the same time. Both shared a look, Beck raising her eyebrow at the fact Boyd knew about the symbol.

"Spirals mean different things," Boyd continued as he noticed everyone else was looking up at him too. He shifted awkwardly as he began to list off some of the meanings. "Past, present, future. Mother, father, child."

"Know what it means to me?" Derek asked, pointing to the symbol.

"I bet Beck does," Erica grumbled as Derek turned, sending his little sister a knowing smirk.

"I think Boyd should answer this question, he seems smart enough to know," Beck smiled, turning slightly towards the large beta.

"Alpha, beta, omega?" Boyd answered, unsure of himself.

"That's right," Derek nodded, Beck clapping her hands for Boyd.

"Good job Boyd. You get an A in werewolf knowledge." Beck smiled before glancing over at Erica. "Erica, try harder."

"Okay, why is she here?" Erica snapped, jabbing a thumb towards the small blonde.

"Cause, unfortunately, the contents of those trunks are part of my inheritance," Beck snapped back, sending Erica a glare.

"Enough," Derek ordered both blondes before focusing on his sister. "And you know you inherited more than this, so stop whining."

"Most of which I'm never going to see until I'm eighteen," Beck smiled fakely towards Derek, who only rolled his eyes.

Turning back to Boyd, Derek continued. "It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another." Derek explained as he stood. "Betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas."

"Like Scott?" Isaac asked.

"Scott's with us."

"Really? Where is he now?" Isaac asked sarcastically, glancing around the train depot for the dark-haired beta.

"He's looking for Jackson," Derek explained, before turning back to the trunks. "Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will." He added as he bent over to lift some of the chains. "Beck, help me with this."

Obeying, Beck stepped forward, grabbing a hand full of chains.

"There's a price you pay for this kind of power," Derek continued, holding out a harness to Isaac. "You get the ability to heal, but tonight you're gonna want to kill everything you find."

"Good thing I had my period last week then," Erica smirked, making Beck release a snort. Boyd released an airy chuckle as he glanced from Erica to Derek.

Derek smirked before holding up a headpiece with nails pointing inwards. "Well, this one's for you."

"Ha! I remember that one." Beck smiled as she grabbed the headpiece. "I tried to put it on Uncle Peter when I was three, remember?"

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