108|car crash

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"OKAY, FACT OR fiction," Mase said, earning a chorus of groans from the car's other occupants.  After finding out about the supernatural and the truth about their little town, Mase created a game to find out what was true and what wasn't about the supernatural.  But at this point, it was annoying to his friends.  "Fact or fiction!"  Mase insisted.  "Werewolves can only be killed by a silver bullet." 

   "Fiction," Beck sighed as she shifted in her seat. 

   "But also, fact," Liam said, resting his arms on the front seats as he leaned forward.  Turning to Mase, he began to explain.  "I mean, if you were shot by a bullet, you would die." 

   "It was never about what metal bullets were made of," Beck said glancing over at the dark-skinned boy.  "Mase, do you know the French word for silver?"  Mase shook his head.  "Argent." 

   Mase knitted his eyebrows together at the familiarity of that word. 

   "Long ago in France, a family developed ways to hunt and kill werewolves and other supernatural creatures," Beck continued to explain, holding Mase's attention as he drove.  "They passed these techniques down throughout the generations, living by a code.  They became the first werewolf hunters.  You know what their last name was?"  When Mase didn't answer, Beck spoke.  "Argent." 

   "Wait?  You mean like Allison Argent?"  Mase gasped wide-eyed as he looked at Beck. 

   "Yeah, Allison and her family were members of the most ancient family of werewolf hunters," Beck nodded, saddened by the reminder of her dead friend.  "Silver never killed werewolves.  Argent kills werewolves."

   "Intense," Mase murmured as he glanced back at Tessa and Liam in the backseat. 

   "Hey, eyes on the road," Beck giggled as she gestured to the wheel, making Mase focus back on what he was doing. 

   "Okay, how about witches needing wands?  Fact or fiction." 

   "Complete and utter fiction," Beck laughed, shaking her head at the smirk on Tessa and Liam's faces.  That was the same thing they asked the small blonde after finding out she was a witch. 

   "Really?  Okay, how about werewolves being able to turn into actual wolves?  Fact or fiction."  Mase asked, turning towards the werewolves in the back seat. 

   "It's complicated," Beck sighed.  "Technically fiction, werewolves don't turn into actual wolves.  But also, fact.  It's called being evolved." 


   Beck nodded as Mase glanced continuously from the road towards the blonde.  "When a werewolf finds balance between their human self and their werewolf self, they gain the ability to transform into a wolf.  It's extremely rare.  The only known werewolves with that ability were my Mom, my sister, and Derek." 

   "Can't Malia do it too?"  Tessa asked, eyebrows knitted together as she looked towards Beck. 

   "I mean we turned her from a coyote back to a human, but I don't think she has control of it," Beck shrugged. 

   "Cool," Mase whispered, earning a chuckle from everyone in the car.  "Okay, I have another one.  Vampires, fact or fiction?" 

   "Fiction, are you kidding me," Beck said, shaking her head.  "There's no such thing as vampires." 

   "We also used to think there are no such things as werewolves, but here we are," Tessa argued, sitting back in her seat as she pulled out her phone. 

   "Well, vampires aren't real, okay?"  Beck scuffed, turning to glare at her freckle-faced friend before relaxing back in her seat.  Mase went to ask another question when the small blonde beat him to it.  "Mase, I'm gonna make this simple.  Any reference that is remotely connected to Twilight is an automatic fiction." 

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