70|human again

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STILES QUICKLY PULLED over outside of the preserve with Scott pulling over on his bike right next to the jeep and Allison next to him. Everyone jumped out of their respective vehicles, gathering together in a circle.

Beck could feel some uneasy eyes land on her. By then everyone in Beacon Hills and their grandmother knew about Drew breaking up with Beck. And Beck hated the attention she was getting. Mase and Jules were practically babying the heartbroken girl while half the school was trying to dig up some gossip about the breakup from her.

But now wasn't about Beck.

They had to find Malia and turn her back into a human girl before her dad killed her.

"Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia asked the group, looking at each of her friends.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his daughter," Scott clarified.

"Uh, actually we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote, who's his daughter, who we don't know how to change back to his daughter," Isaac corrected.

Beck released a groan as she rubbed at her forehead. "God, Isaac, I can't believe I'm saying this but Stiles's right, you really aren't helping."

Scott looked down at Beck, eyes filled with concern. "You sure you can do this?" Scott asked, grabbing the small blonde's attention. Beck nodded her head, clenching her fists.

"What exactly are you gonna do?"

Sucking in a breath, Beck glanced down, not meeting anyone's eyes. "I'm gonna summon the spirit of Malia's little sister and have her call out for Malia. I just need to be in the last spot her spirit was at, which would be the crash. Hopefully, Malia will come."

"Wow Beck, that's a little... dark," Stiles said hesitantly. "You sure it's a good idea for you to do that? Like, what if it changes you?"

"It's either that or run around the preserve looking for a werecoyote by werewolf senses," Beck snapped, glaring up at Stiles.

Scott lifted a hand towards Beck, as he looked between the foster siblings. "Either way will work as long as we help Malia," Scott said before looking up at Allison. "Did you bring it?"

Allison moved to the trunk of her car, pulling out a dart gun. Each dart was filled with a tranquilizer to sedate Malia. All they needed was for Allison to shoot Malia with a dart and then they had to figure out how to change her back to a human.

Suddenly a gunshot echoed around the group, making them all jump and stiffen at the sound. Quickly Scott grabbed Beck's arm as he dragged her to his dirt bike before shoving a helmet into her hands.

Moving on autopilot, Beck fastened the helmet on before hopping onto the bike behind Scott who didn't waste a second before speeding off into the woods.

"No, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Stiles shouted after the pair as they disappeared into the woods, followed by Isaac and Allison on foot.

Beck held tightly onto Scott as he sped through the preserve, passing something shining on the ground that made the small blonde glance back.

"Did you see that?" Beck shouted to Scott over the wind. But Scott only shook his head with a shrug.

Suddenly, Scott grabbed his head, losing focus and control of the bike.

"Scott!" Beck screamed as they were both flung off the dirt bike, rolling hard onto the ground.

Scott quickly bounced back, rushing to Beck's side as she groaned. Helping the small blonde sit up, Scott checked her over for injuries.

"I'm fine," Beck groaned as she waved a hand at Scott. "Go. Go help Malia."

"You sure?" Scott asked as he hopped up, preparing to run.

"Yes," Beck groaned again as she wrestled off her helmet. "Just go."

Nodding his head, Scott sprinted off into the preserve, leaving Beck alone. Moving to stand, Beck released a cry as she put pressure on her left arm. Groaning again, Beck waved her other hand over the injury, healing herself with a faint glow.

After finally standing and checking to make sure everything was all right, Beck began to sprint in the direction Scott went.

Suddenly a roar echoed around Beck, shaking her to the bone. Stopping, the small blonde listened to the roar with a smile. It was Scott. And he was roaring like a true alpha. He finally did it.

Running in the direction of the roar, Beck soon found a car overturned in a ravine. The crash site. Circling the upside-down car, Beck could see Scott on the other side, helping a naked girl stand on her own two feet.


Scott did it. Malia was human again.

STILES AND BECK watched from the police cruiser as Stilinski escorted Malia to the front door of her home, now washed and in clean clothes

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STILES AND BECK watched from the police cruiser as Stilinski escorted Malia to the front door of her home, now washed and in clean clothes. A soft smile found its way to Beck's face as Mr. Tate embraced his long-lost daughter. Stilinski turned to Stiles and Beck, giving them a nod of his head. Stiles flashed a thumbs-up as Beck's smile grew.

"I can read," Stiles suddenly gasped from the front of the cruiser.

"What?" Beck asked as she moved forward to look at him.

Tears seemed to form in Stiles's eyes as he turned to look at his foster sister. "I can read again."

"Oh my God, Stiles!" Beck squealed as she tightly wrapped her arms around Stiles's neck, hugging him. He was back to normal, whatever was happening to him was gone.

Well, as normal as Stiles will ever be.

Stiles wrapped an arm awkwardly around Beck, returning the hug as he sighed in relief.

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