47|he deserves it

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"THIS IS GONNA be great," Mase smiled as he led Beck up the front steps of Jared Anderson's house, music thumping away inside. "By the way, you look amazing."

"Thanks," Beck blushed as Mase rang the doorbell. Tugging on the skirt of her dress, Beck smiled over at Mase. "You look amazing too."

"I know," Mase smiled as he fixed the collar of his shirt. The small blonde laughed at him as the door opened.

Jared Anderson was standing in front of them, his blond hair brushing into his brown eyes. "Hey Mason," Jared greeted before looking toward Beck. "This must be Beck?"

The small blonde smiled. "Hi."

"Come on in, the party's just getting started," Jared instructed, opening the door wider for them. "Everyone's out back, help yourself."

Mase gave a whoop as he entered, instantly disappearing into the house. On the other hand, Beck stepped cautiously inside, glancing around. Half the house was dark, and Beck could tell that majority of the people were outside on the patio.

"Here," Jared said, grabbing Beck's hand. Beck jumped at his touch, snatching her hand out of reach. "Chill," he chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "I was just gonna show you the way."

"I don't need you to hold my hand," Beck grumbled, walking next to Jared as he led her to the patio. He was cute. Not as cute as the dark-haired boy that had flirted with Beck, but cute.

Stepping out to the patio, Jared led Beck to the refreshment table before handing her a plastic cup.

"No thank you," Beck said, putting the cup back on the table.

"What, you don't drink?"

"I've had a bad experience with it," Beck muttered as she glanced around again. "Nice party," she complimented awkwardly.

"Thanks," Jared said, glancing around too. "It's no Lydia Martin party, but maybe in a couple of years."

"I don't know," Beck hummed. "I've heard Lydia throws some unbelievable parties."

"I believe that," Jared chuckled before taking a sip. "So, Beck, Mason's told me about you. Maybe you could tell me a little bit more?"

Beck shrugged as she looked up at Jared. "What do you want to know?"

For the next couple of hours, Jared and Beck talked. Jared told her about himself, his likes, dislikes, and family, and how he was planning to join the lacrosse team in the spring. Beck told him a watered-down version of herself.

"So, everyone in your family really did die in the fire?" Jared asked. By then he was standing a little too close to Beck for her comfort.

"Yeah, except for me, my brother, and my sister," Beck nodded.

"Your brother, Derek Hale?"


"The guy who was murdering people last spring?"

Beck glared up at Jared, her eyes narrowing. "That wasn't Derek."

"But he was wanted for murder, right?" Jared asked.

"He was exonerated," Beck ground out before stepping back. "They found out it was Kate Argent."

"That must have been convenient for him, your brother?" Jared said, putting his cup down on the table. "What about the other murders?"

Taking a step back, Beck began to turn away from Jared. "You know what, I'm gonna go find Mase."

Suddenly Jared grabbed ahold of her arm, yanking her back. Biting her lip, Beck stifled a yelp as Jared's energy fought to rush in. She could feel it starting to burn against her skin.

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