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TAPPING HER PENCIL against her notebook, Beck glanced over at her phone. Nothing. The pack had gone radio silent once they entered the village the Calaveras lived in. But Stiles had promised to text Beck once they cross back over the border with Derek.

Drew glanced up at the blonde sitting across from him, his own notebook balanced on his lap. Beck's light green eyes remained focused on the black screen of her phone as her pencil tapped out an annoying beat.

Drew knew Beck was anxious. This was her brother they were talking about. The only close family she had left. Though Scott and Stiles had explained that her uncle was still alive, they also explained that he was a psychopath and wasn't to be trusted. They also added that he was supposed to be dead and everyone wished he was.

But Derek was different. And Drew knew that.

Reaching forward, Drew poked his girlfriend's knee with his pencil, making her jump. "Hey, we don't have to work on my Spanish if you don't want to," Drew whispered, tilting his head with a concerned smile.

"What? Oh, sorry, no..." Trailing off, Beck scratched at her eyebrow. "It's just-"

"Derek," Drew finished, making Beck look up at him.

Smiling sadly, Beck nodded her head. "I can't help thinking what they could have done to him. I know Lydia said they didn't kill him, but there are other things hunters can do to werewolves. To get answers or information or just for fun."

"Well stop," Drew said, resting a hand on Beck's knee. "You're gonna make yourself sick worrying about it. Just be happy they're getting him back. You'll see him again real soon."

"But what if something happens," Beck argued, shaking her head. "I mean this is Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Kira, and Tessa against ruthless werewolf hunters. The Calaveras. Anything could go wrong."

"But it won't."

Scuffing, Beck shook her head. "Why are you being so optimistic?"

"Someone has to be at the moment," Drew smiled, pulling Beck into his lap. Straddling him, Beck wrapped her arms around his neck as his arms round around her waist to hold her close. "You're freaking out about your brother while the others are on a mission in Mexico. Someone has to be level-headed and make sure you don't explode with anxiety."

Smiling, Beck leaned forward to place her lips against Drew's. The tanned boy smirked as Beck pulled away, her fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.

"You're amazing," Beck said.

"At being a caring boyfriend or kissing?"

"At being the most amazingly understanding and caring boyfriend ever," Beck giggled, tilting her head as Drew continued to smirk, his hands grabbing Beck's hips lightly.

"Well, just to let you know, I'm an amazing kisser too," Drew hummed, looking down at his girlfriend's lips as he licked his own.

"Really? Who says?"

"Oh, you know, people," Drew hummed as the couple drew closer to each other, eyes closing as they prepared to kiss.

Suddenly, Stilinski walked in, eyes widening as they landed on Beck straddling Drew's lap. "Oh hell no. Not in my house." Stilinski snapped as the couple pulled away from each other quickly.

"We were just studying," Beck argued, climbing off of Drew.

"I don't care if you two were reading the Holy Bible, this is not happening," Stilinski snapped, waving a finger at the couple. "Not ever again. And especially not in here. Now, this is what's gonna happen. Whatever this is is moving downstairs to the living room where I can keep an eye on it. With my gun. And the next time I find him or any other boy for that matter in your room with you alone, I'm arresting him. Got it?"

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