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BECK HUMMED A soft tune as she walked through the Preserve. She swayed lightly to the tune stuck in her head.

Today was the day of the formal. Scott and Stiles were both off getting ready and planning, so Beck decided to get away. Have a moment to herself.

Suddenly a twig snapped behind her, making Beck jump. Turning frantically, she saw nothing.

After a pause, she continued on her way. Beck didn't know where she was going, she just liked listening to the sounds of the woods. To Beck, it sounded like the forest was singing to her.

Beck lifted her head to the sky, listening. But there was nothing. No noise.

"Well, hello there," a voice called from behind Beck. Turning quickly, Beck was met with the cruel eyes of Kate Argent. "My, haven't you grown." Kate stepped closer to Beck, making the small blonde take a step back. "You remember me, don't ya?"

Beck nodded her head slowly, fear crawling up her chest. "You-you're Kate Argent," Beck stuttered as her back collided with a tree. It had been a while, but Beck would always remember an Argent.

Kate hummed in approval, stopping just a foot away from Beck. "And I remember you, Rebecca Hale." She held out the last word, tilting her head innocently to the side. "Now what are you doing out here?"

Beck's knuckles turned white as she held on tightly to the strap of her messenger bag. "Just-just-"

"Does anyone know you're out here?" At Beck's silence, Kate smiled darkly. "Good," she purred before lunging forward. Shoving Beck into the tree, Kate covered her mouth with a cloth.

Beck screamed as she tried to push Kate off, but soon her head began to feel light. Her knees buckling from underneath her, Kate let Beck go as she fell to the ground.

Beck released a whimper as her head turned lazily to look up at Kate, her vision starting to go dark.

"Oh, don't worry sweetie," Kate cooed darkly. "I'm taking you to see your brother."

And with that, Beck passed out.

"WAKEY, WAKEY," KATE called as Beck felt her whole body move forward slowly

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"WAKEY, WAKEY," KATE called as Beck felt her whole body move forward slowly. She shifted her head to the side, trying to move her hands. "I brought you a friend."

Beck's eyes opened lazily as she continued to try to move her hands. But they wouldn't budge. Glancing down, Beck found that her wrists were tied down to the armrests of a chair.

Beck released a shriek as she tugged at her wrists, but the cry was muffled by a piece of tape over her mouth. The small blonde squirmed around in the chair, quickly glancing around at her surroundings. The room was dark, with barely any lighting. But someone else was there.

Kate walked out from behind Beck towards a lamp, switching it on. Beck flinched at the bright light before turning to where it was pointed.

There was Derek.

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