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BECK WALKED DOWN the hall in a daze. Boyd was dead and everyone acted like everything was fine. It wasn't right.


The small blonde turned with a cringe, looking up at Drew as he walked up to her. She knew this moment was coming, she never showed up at the library and she'd been ignoring his texts. Beck didn't mean to ignore him, she wanted to text him back when she felt like it, but that never happened. "Drew..."

"What happened to you the other day?" Drew asked instantly. Reaching out his large hand, he grabbed ahold of hers. But Beck flinched the minute his hand enveloped hers, pulling her hand away. Drew's eyebrows knitted together as he watched her. "I waited for you at the library, but you never showed. And you wouldn't answer my messages..."

"I know..." Beck sighed running a hand through her curly blonde hair. Glancing to the side, Beck froze, eyes widening as they landed on something down the hall.

Drew noticed her shocked look, following her eyes to the wall of lockers. There he saw a memorial hanging over a locker.

"You haven't heard?" Drew asked, making Beck look up at him. "That guy, Vernon, was found in the woods dead the other day. They say he was attacked by an animal."

Beck turned back to the memorial covering Boyd's locker. She could see pictures, notes, and messages, and even some flowers. It made Beck sick. None of these people knew Boyd. No one cared when he went missing over the summer. None of them were his friends. They had no right to act like they were. Just because he was dead.

"He liked to be called Boyd," Beck corrected softly, the feeling of tears building in her eyes as she looked at the memorial. As she watched students stop and stare at it for a moment before continuing to class.

Drew looked down at Beck, noticing the tears building in her light green eyes. His shoulders deflated in realization. "You knew him."

The small blonde nodded her head as she looked up at Drew. "Me and my siblings... we were close with him. He was like family. I saw him, right before..." Beck trailed off as her voice cracked. Glancing down quickly, Beck wiped at her eyes before looking up at Drew. "Look, Drew, I'm sorry-"

"No, don't apologize, Beck," Drew argued quickly shaking his head as his hand rested on her arm gently. "I had no clue you were going through something. It's okay."


"I'm not mad," Drew said, giving his head another shake as a sympathetic smile crawled across his face. "I completely understand."

"Thank you."

"Maybe we could try again today after school?" Drew asked hopefully. "I still need your help with Spanish. Or we can just hang to get your mind off of... well, everything."

Beck smiled at his offer but shook her head. "I can't, I have something I need to do after school."

Drew nodded his head before biting his lip. "Well, what about tomorrow?"

"Isn't the memorial recital tomorrow?" Beck asked as she tilted her head. It was announced that the school's concert band would be performing in remembrance of their killed band director and everyone else killed recently.

"Yeah, but that's gonna start in the evening," Drew explained as he shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, I was thinking that maybe you could come over to my house. I could give you a ride there, you do some tutoring, then drive you back to school for the memorial recital. How does that sound?"

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