27|protection squad

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STANDING IN FRONT of the middle school, Beck watched as Stiles's pale blue jeep swerved into the parking lot. Hiking the strap of her bag higher on her shoulder, Beck walked to the curb as Stiles braked in front of her.

But what she found inside the jeep made Beck flinch back slightly.

"Hey, Allison, Jackson, Lydia." Beck waved awkwardly as she looked at the four people piled in uncomfortably. "What's going on?"

"Study group, get in," Stiles ordered as Allison hopped out of the passenger's seat, letting Beck in.

"We'll explain later," Allison whispered as Beck climbed into the back, squeezing in next to Lydia.

"Are we gonna fit anyone else into this clown car?" Lydia whined as her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth, sending a questioning glare toward Stiles.

"No, I think that's everyone, let's go," Stiles cried as he stomped on the gas, speeding out of the parking lot and onto the street.

Before long, Stiles pulled over on the curb in front of Scott's house.

"If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?" Lydia questioned as Stiles slammed the door to his jeep. Beck fell in step behind Allison and Jackson as Stiles pulled Lydia to the porch.

"Meeting us here," Stiles explained. "I think. I hope."

"Thanks for doing this," Allison whispered to Jackson.

"I needed to talk to her anyway," Jackson muttered back, more to himself than to Allison. His eyes scanned the street as Beck rushed up close behind them.

"Guys, what's going on?" Beck hissed to Jackson and Allison as Stiles unlocked the front door, Lydia raising an eyebrow at the fact Stiles had a key to Scott's house.

"We'll explain inside," Allison whispered as she wrapped an arm around Beck's shoulders, leading her in while giving a glance around the empty street.

Once everyone was inside, Stiles began to lock every lock on the door before peeking out the window. Lydia and Jackson looked at him in confusion, eyebrows raised. Even Beck tilted her head at him, confused as to why he was acting jumpier than usual.

"Uh, there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood," Stiles explained. Beck's eyebrows knitted together as she looked towards Allison, who only nodded her head awkwardly before directing her eyes to the ground.

Suddenly, Stiles grabbed a chair and jammed it under the door handle. Beck released a breath as Stiles made sure the door was in place.

"And a murder," Stiles added at the look he was getting from both Beck and Lydia. "Yeah, it was bad."

"Really?" Beck muttered as Allison gave Jackson a look.

"Lydia, follow me," he ground out with an eye roll. "I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Seriously?" Lydia whined as she followed Jackson, her heels clicking noisily against the hardwood floors. "What is going on with everyone?"

"Yeah, what is going on?" Beck asked once Lydia and Jackson disappeared up the stairs, turning to face Allison and Stiles.

Stiles continued to peer out the window as he answered. "Your brother wants to kill Lydia."

"What? Why?"

"Derek thinks Lydia is the kanima," Allison explained, going through her bag. She glanced up at Beck as she finally found what she was looking for, pulling out a compact crossbow. "He had Erica and Isaac test her in class today. Now he's going to try and kill her."

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