106|last day of summer

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"DO I HAVE to go?" Liam whined, following Beck as she winded through the aisles of the bookstore.

Over the summer Beck had gotten a job at the local bookstore. Gas for the Camaro wasn't gonna just appear out of thin air.

For the last six months after the events in Mexico, nothing had happened. Six whole glorious months of nothing but peace. Peace and quiet. Peace and quiet that was welcomed by everyone in the pack. By everyone in Beacon Hills actually.

Now it was the last day of summer. School started back the next day. Senior year for Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and hopefully Malia. And sophomore year for Beck, Liam, Tessa, and Mase.

It was also the night of a full moon, much to Liam's irritation.

"I'm sorry, but who was the one running around town out of control and naked last month?" Beck questioned teasingly, arching an eyebrow as she shifted the stacks of books she carried in her hands, searching for their proper spots.

"It was an accident," Liam groaned, closing his eyes as he lifted his head to the ceiling of the bookstore.

Beck rolled her eyes before turning to Liam. "Why were you naked anyway?"

"It was hot that night," Liam murmured bashfully, cheeks heating up as he looked to the ground.

"Whatever excuse you come up with, you fucked up," Beck said earning a groan from Liam as she shoved the stack of books into his arms. Grabbing the one on top, the small blonde made space for it on the shelf. Moving on, Liam followed obediently behind Beck as she continued talking. "You lost control on the night of a full moon. You have to live with the consequences. Scott and Stiles are just making sure it doesn't happen again."

"But it won't," Liam whined as he handed a book to Beck. "Not if I have you with me," he added hopefully.

"You do know that I can't spend every full moon with you, right? I mean the whole point of the last full moon was for you to work on controlling yourself without me there." Beck said, not noticing the disappointed look on Liam's face.

But even as Beck spoke, an uncomfortable feeling built in her chest. She just couldn't understand why.

Sure, Beck and Liam had spent a lot of time together over the past six months. Hanging out every chance they got. They practically became inseparable.

But they were only friends. Right?

"Is it so bad that I enjoy your company?" Liam muttered as he handed Beck another book.

Blushing, Beck glanced down to the ground before focusing on the book in her hands. "You just can't keep depending on me, Liam," she said softly, placing the book on the shelf. "At some point, you need to pull on your big werewolf pants and get better control."

"I thought the whole point of an anchor was to help get control," Liam argued with narrowed eyes. Beck giggled, rolling her light green eyes as she snatched a book from the stack. "And you're my anchor."


"And yet nothing else seems to work but you," Liam smirked, tilting his head. Beck rolled her eyes again as Liam handed her the last book. "You're my anchor like I'm yours."

"You still have to go tonight."

Liam groaned dramatically as Beck put away the last book. The small blonde released a giggle as both of their phones gave a chime.

hang out for the last night of summer???

Instantly Beck and Liam shared a look after reading the text from Mase. While they had been spending more time together, the two supernatural teens had been spending less time with their best friend.

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