63|ancient ritual

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AFTER RETURNING HOME to change into some clean clothes, Stiles and Beck met with Lydia at her house before school where they filled her in on all that she missed that night.

"I don't believe it," Lydia gasped as she sat up straight, shaking her head. "Scott can't be with them. He can't be."

"You didn't see the look on his face, though. It was..." Stiles trailed off at the memory of Scott. Of the hopelessness on his face. Of how Scott thought he had no other choice but to join Deucalion.

"He's just trying to get his mom and your dad back, Stiles," Beck defended. That's what Beck seemed to be doing a lot of lately, always defending someone she cared about. "Deucalion saw his chance when Jennifer took Melissa. He saw his chance to have Scott join him and he took it."

"What can I do?" Lydia asked. "I mean, I get that I'm some kind of, like, a human Geiger counter for death, but... I don't know how to turn it on and off yet. All I know is that she tried to kill me because of..."

Stiles and Beck looked at Lydia as she trailed off. Realization seemed to cross over Lydia's face as she stared off to the side.

"Because of what?" Beck asked, leaning closer to her strawberry blonde friend.

"Hey, Lydia, what?"

"When she called me a banshee," Lydia answered, green eyes moving up to look at Stiles. "She was surprised by it. What if that's not why she tried to kill me?"

"Then why did she?" Beck asked glancing up at Stiles before turning back to Lydia.

"That's what we need to find out."

LYDIA, STILES, AND Beck entered the high school, each one glancing around the halls before moving together

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LYDIA, STILES, AND Beck entered the high school, each one glancing around the halls before moving together.

"Okay, so what are we looking for again?" Beck asked as she glanced down a side hallway before rushing to catch up with the two juniors in front of her.

"A reason why Jennifer tried to kill Lydia," Stiles explained as he glanced around before leading the girls toward the stairs. "Maybe if we-"

"Hey, Beck, wait up."

"Drew," Beck gasped as she turned on her heels to face her boyfriend. Drew walked in her direction from down the hallway. Turning back to Stiles and Lydia, Beck nodded her head. "Go, I'll meet up with you later." Beck didn't wait for their response before descending the stairs to be joined by Drew at the bottom.

"Hey," Beck smiled forcibly as Drew leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. The small blonde blushed at the gesture.

"Hey, so how's your sister?"

"What?" Beck gasped, shaking out of her little stupor to look up at Drew. "Oh, yeah, my sister Cora. She's... I-I don't know. But she's not getting better."

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