117|everything's not okay

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BECK HAD HER head lowered as she walked down the hallway with Tessa.  Both girls were silent as they moved. 

  Hating the silence, Tessa released a sigh before turning to Beck.  "We gonna talk about what happened this weekend?" 

   "Nothing happened," Beck muttered. 

   Tessa released a scuff as she shook her head, hearing the beat skip in her blonde friend's heart.  "Wanna try that lie again?" 


   "Fine, I'll tell you what happened," Tessa scuffed as she pulled the small blonde to a stop.  "The Dread Doctors took Liam and Hayden.  Scott started acting like a complete dick.  You called him out on his shit.  And then when Liam and Hayden were found, you were gone." 

   "You done?" 

   "No," Tessa crossed her arms across her chest as she continued.  "You have been moody all morning.  You're not talking to Liam or Scott or literally anyone else in the pack except for me.  And the new twenty-five dollars in my pocket given to me by Mason tells me you discovered something about your feelings for someone this weekend." 

   "He likes Hayden," Beck murmured, turning on her heels to continue walking. 

   "He likes you," Tessa clarified as she rushed to catch up with her friend. 

   Turning down the hall, both girls came to a halt at the sight at the other end of the hallway.  Liam held Hayden close as their lips pressed together.  They stood in the middle of the hallway, forcing the current of students to move around them. 

   "Not anymore," Beck muttered as the couple pulled apart. 

   Releasing a breath, Tessa sent them a glare as Beck moved toward the door to their class.  "This is why I'm not interested in dating." 

   Entering the classroom, Beck moved down the aisles but didn't stop at her usual seat.  Instead, the small blonde slid into the open desk in front of Carter.  Shocked by her sudden appearance, Carter looked up at the back of the small blonde's head before looking at an equally confused Tessa. 

   Slowly, Tessa lowered herself into the seat next to Beck, her brown eyes filled with concern as she watched her friend prepare for class.  "Beck?" 

   But Beck shook her head. 

   Then Liam entered, his eyes immediately going to the small blonde.  But the beta hesitated when he noticed someone was already sitting in his usual seat behind Beck. 

   Liam looked down at Beck, but she refused to meet his bright blue eyes.  Then when Liam looked at Tessa he was met with a glare and a shake of her head. 

   Only Carter gave Liam a sympathetic look as he walked past, finding an open seat in the back. 

   What was going on with those two? 

   What was going on with those two? 

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